His Inner "Slap A Bitch" Came Out
This video has been making the rounds, so I thought I'd share:
Can you blame old boy, though? I mean, yeah, boys are taught not to hit girls... but that heifer right there was asking for it! Here's the explanation of what went down, courtesy of ultrabrown and The Times of India:
“This incident occurred four months ago. The participants of the show had to pass through the litmus test of abuses and spats. And it was all scripted! We were all given our parts where 70 per cent was to be said as is and 30 per cent would be improvisations,” says Ravi. “There was this girl called Isha opposite me who was supposed to abuse me and I was to retaliate, but calmly. After a while when it came to improvisations, I presume she was out of words and came and slapped me hard. I was shocked and in the heat of the moment, I slapped her back. That led to the entire unit of about 70 people jumping on me beating me black and blue. It was a miracle in itself that I managed to escape from there,” he says.
*smooches...also asking myself, "HOW CAN SHE SLAP?!?!"*
man... when he started crying I almost fell out of my chair... BUT HOW CAN SHE SLAP, SIR?!?! LMAOOOOOOOOOOO
Does this post mean that if I don't heed that red flag, I'm a end up crying, "how can she slap?"
@jack- you can almost count on it, because I will be on the FIRST FLIGHT OUT to slap the shit outta you! lol
*puts phone down*
I wasn't gonna call him. HONEST!
that's right you weren't, dammit! don't make me spend my rent money on a flight out to you...
I dont know what to say about this joint, lol.
tell me that video didn't have to in tears, man!!!
oh, see- you ain't even right! now I have to go watch that crazy newscaster again!! there go my freelance writing assignments...
'How can she slap?!' is officially my new catchphrase.
He slapped the jasmine rice out that broad....gazaaam. She was shocked as hell. I know some cuss words in Hindi and it was hilarious to hear "moda chod" which is basically motherfucker..I may be off a hair but I use to yell it at my indian software developers and they looked like they wanted to fight me.
He reached back to New Delhi with that slap...I bet she wont be slapping any more homies....Go Fuck Yourself! Kaboom! Look who stepped in the room!
How can she slap, has officially been added to my favorite quotes. Along with shocked and rupauled.
Uhm yeah about those fish tacos still waiting.....
LMprAOOOO at slapped the jazmine rice outta her! AYE BENDIIIITTTO! LMAO
*pages Wayne Brady*
You down with O.P.B?
'Yeah, you know me."
@bangs in a bun- we've been saying it in my office, at home... it's just the best viral video since that dude got tasered at that Kerry speech. LOL
@dallas black- "He reached back to New Delhi with that slap"
LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! That was the best... yes, yes he did. you could see the force in his face- that mess was instinctual, almost primal. She obviously miscalculated her hotness factor vs. his inner pimp. I was waiting for him to ask for his money... until he began sobbing like a BI-OTCH!!! HAAAAA!!!
@jack- right??? I read it to K and we were rollin'
*sobbing* "BUT HOW CAN SHE SLAP, SIR?"
@don- I don't get it; what does the B stand for?
@don- nevermind. I figured it out.
*hands Raquel bottle of V8*
wats good for the goose...
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