Lani took me to one bike store where they were talking some $500 for a new bike, and I had to give the shop keep the one and only stank face. $500?? I can buy a whole car for that in Queens, so excuse me if I don't jump at the chance to pay out my ass for your over-priced bike.
I went to another bike shop in the East Village and same thing- $500 for the bike I wanted.
So I decided- I'm not above getting a used bike. I'm not looking to impress anyone, I just need some wheels.
Enter the ever-trusty, mostly-shady Craigslist.
I looked through the few ads for folding bikes in the tri-state area and responded to a few. One in particular, located in the West Village, was the size of a regular Mountain Bike and was only $150. SCORE! Except, no- he had already sold it. *bummer*
And here's where a routine email exchange turned into another episode of The Jaded NYer:
MY INITIAL EMAIL TO BIKE OWNER: oh please please please tell me this bike is still available! I've been searching forever, and I can pick it up any day this week after work, cash in hand.
HIS EMAIL TO ME: Darn, Wish I had seen your email earlier. You seem like the right person to have it..sorry
Nice name by the way
I WROTE BACK: aww... that's okay. Thanks for writing back (and for the compliment); some people wouldn't have bothered.
Pretty normal, right? Well last Wednesday, I get this message via Facebook:
"are you the same Raquel Penzo that was trying to buy a bike?"
To which I replied:
"Yes- which bike is yours and is it still available? (because I answered a bunch of ads)"
Then he replied:
Re: folding bicycle
Hi Raquel, My bike was the folding Montague that was sold. I said you had a nice name. Just did a search for your name because I was wondering if you'd pop up. The reason I wished I had sold it to you, was because of your writing. It caught my eye, and I could tell you really wanted it. Little did I know you're a writer. Everyone else, I didn't respond to after it was sold. I'm in NYC editing a film for the next few months. If you're ever in the Village or downtown and want to grab a drink...let me know.
WTF? The folks on Twitter had a blast with this one, laughing at me and my new "stalker." I entertained meeting him for like half a second, you know, to kinda have an "in" for when I'm ready to work on my film, and because he might know John Cusack. But the consensus was: HE'S A PSYCHO. So I replied with:
I'm flattered that you went through all that, but will pass on the offer.
Enjoy your stay in NYC, and good luck with your film.
He has not contacted me- thank goodness- but why is it that I always get the online stalkers? Is it something I'm putting out there?

*smooches...still looking for the perfect folding bike*
and another thing... dude has my number; I foolishly included it in my initial email to him, thinking I was sure to get the bike before anyone else... trust me- lesson learned!!
so u really just gon let that chance to meet Cusack pass u by?
maybe you just passed on a great thing
you know my famous advice, Run chile run!
Seriously though, what is with these Craig list folks. I had one guy ask me if I was married when I was looking for a bike. So now I just go to the police auction site and bid. I haven't been vigilant about bidding but they seem to have good enough bikes for what I need it for.
lol.. craigslist is a crazy place. I would say dude was just taking a chance and asking you out but he could have just replied back to your email and done that. Facebook stalking is creepy.
I say go and have Lani waiting in the wings to knock him out if anything goes
Dude - get yourself north of the border and you can get you a folding bike for 200 bucks (sure the cost of the travel to Canada may defeat the purpose, but whatevs). What the fuck is up with the US dollar?! $500 for a folding bike is outta hand.
@dejanae- I have other tricks up my sleeve in order to meet Mr. Cusack. And yes, stalking him is one of them... I kinda already know where his momma lives, but I can't tell you how I know... LOL
@the f$%k it list- I know, I know. I'm running!!
@super dave- yeah, the FB stalking is what creeped me out the most. That and his hideous mug. :P
@eb- I never thought about that...hmm... she'd make a great body guard... LOL
@jack- you are crazy like that, but not crazy enough to meet up with this loser. trust. he looked HORRIBLE
@bangs and a bun- girl, I might have found one... fingers crossed! I'm checking it out on Wednesday!!!
I don't think there's anything wrong with that whatsoever. I would've been flattered! And I would've at least kept communicating with him on email, before I met him in person. A meet up for coffee wouldn't hurt!
But that's just me.
i have owned three used biked in the last eight years. got two of them for free. the other cost $15. all were stolen!
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