Monday, September 15, 2008

I Think I've Run Out Of Things To Write About

So please just listen to my radio show tonight.

11:00 PM on Blog Talk Radio.

I promise we WILL have something to talk about on the show.

Not like on the blog today, which is, um, sparse.

I mean, I had a great weekend with Mari in DC, but you know what? It's really none of your business. Especially not the part about almost getting kicked out of the museum because Mari felt the need to touch the art that said "PLEASE DO NOT TOUCH."

Does that sound harsh? It does, right... hmmm... I'm finding it difficult to care right about now. But I will give you this- Mari gave me the most awesomest gift: an autographed copy of The Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao by Junot Diaz. Because she met him.

But yeah, I'm gonna leave it at that for now... maybe another day I'll recount the fun we had, a sort of post-poned weekend update or something. As of right now, I just want to enjoy my memories all by myself if you don't mind.

Oh and it's the beginning of Hispanic Heritage Month. Last year I gave you all something to do everyday during the month to celebrate Latino Culture.

This year... eh... you're all grown ass folks. Find your own crap to do. Or don't.

*smooches...wondering how I got so burnt out all of a sudden*
my mood swings are getting worse and worse.

but hey- I'm nothing if not self-aware... maybe I need another break...


Muze said...

lol @ her touching the art.

i will give a listen. i know if anything, it will be funny. lol.

breaks are always good.

and you'll have more time to read your free box of books too. lol.

i.can't.complain. said...


happy monday, babe

i gotta get me some interwebs connections (that was almost to hard to type... poor g.w.) at my new home

i wanna hear your show


The Jaded NYer said...

@muze- I find myself taking more and more breaks on this blog... I'm starting to miss the days when it was only seen by the 17 people I emailed it to.

not that I don't appreciate everyone who comes over here to read and comment, but some days it feels like a self-imposed obligation and I start to hate it.

@-1- we'll be on every monday and the shows are archived, so if you miss this one you can always catch it later :)

clnmike said...

You have been awarded the Blogging Star here at


Don said...

Props @ clnmike. I think The Jaded NYer is an excellent blogger, even when she goes on these tangents.

12kyle said...

will check it out...during the game. LOL

The Jaded NYer said...

@clnmike- aw, thanks! not sure when I'll post it and pass it on, but I do appreciate the honor!

@don- the tangents are part of my charm, admit it.

@12kyle- yeah, yeah, I know.. football is dominating the masses right now...

dejanae said...

ish is definitely unecessary

u already know im catching this crap

The F_Uitlist said...

Take all the breaks you need. Its a blog not a job.. or are you getting paid and I didnt know about it?

Shiiiiitttt let me find out.

Don said...

it's the baby melons.