Friday, September 05, 2008

I'm About To Dominate Your "Airwaves"

I had crazy fun co-hosting a segment of "Say What Now...?" with Classy Deeva on Blog Talk Radio, and after many encouraging words from friends and family, I decided to launch my own show.

So this is the official notice. If you do not listen to my show, the friendship will officially be on the rocks and I'm not even playing!

WHAT: Monday Musings with The Jaded NYer
WHEN: Monday nights at 11:00PM starting September 8th
WHY: Why? Muthafucka... what you mean WHY? because I'm the SHIT and you know it. So just listen and stop frontin' like you won't have the lotion and tissues by the bed while my voice wafts in through your monitor speakers...

First up... INTERNET DATING! Ahh yes, that topic we all speak of in hushed tones as if we were divulging the details of a wild night on the farm with some barn animals. But are all secretly doing it... so stop lying and DEE-nying and let's just talk about it already, shall we?

Jack will help me facilitate...

You can check out my Blog Talk Radio profile here for more information on upcoming show segments, and I swear on all that is holy and unholy on this here earth- if y'all stand me up... OOOH lord help you...

*smooches...thinking maybe this ad campaign came out all wrong*
maybe what I meant to say was: please listen; I'd be ever so grateful!

and don't laugh at my flyer... my photoshop skills are a work in progress... just be happy it wasn't a bunch of stick figures n shit! lol


JACK said...

Oddly enough - this doesn't look like the picture of me wearing the damn shoes. Why ask me which picture you can use and then use the one you fucking want to use anyway?!? You so lucky I love you, JADED!!!!!!!

But, I SO love my head shot there next to the words "you might even get laid" So leave it.

*pops collar*

The Jaded NYer said...

@jack- at the last minute I realized that the shoe pic is only funny if you know the backstory; it was in the original version of this poster and just didn't look right...

...I'm still cracking up about it, though...

12kyle said...

You know that I'mma check it out!

Dave Van Buren said...

now I can't say I'ma listen on monday because you know football is on. But tuesday morning I'll catch the replay.

The Jaded NYer said...

@12kyle- please do!

@super dave- FOOTBALL?!?! Won't it be over by then?? damn.. I tried to schedule the show just right to avoid competition with primetime AND sports *sigh*

well, because it's football I'll give you a pass... *sniffle* but I don't see why you can't do both!!!


Don said...

I think it's long overdue, Jaded. And great topic, cause laying dead in a ditch isn't a good look.

clnmike said...

Lol,looking foward to it.

Sexxy Luv said...

girl i'm going to be all over this shit! can we call in to comment? lmao!!! i can't wait! where do i go to listen?...

Sexxy Luv said...

You took to long i see it's on the flyer! lol

The Jaded NYer said...

@don- not a good look at all; I've watched enough Law&Order: SVU to know that's a fact. ;)

@clnmike- I'm sure I'll lose you to football, too... *sigh*

@sexxy luv- HA, you're a mess... I'm scared of you calling in... LOL

Don said...

Yes. We. Can. Yes. We. Can. Yes. We. Can. Yes. We. Can. Yes. We. Can. Yes. We. Can. Yes. We. Can. Yes. We. Can. Yes. We. Can. Yes. We. Can. Yes. We. Can. Yes. We. Can. Yes. We. Can. Yes. We. Can.
Yes. We. Can. Yes. We. Can. Yes. We. Can. Yes. We. Can. Yes. We. Can. Yes. We. Can. Yes. We. Can.
Yes. We. Can. Yes. We. Can. Yes. We. Can. Yes. We. Can. Yes. We. Can. Yes. We. Can. Yes. We. Can.
Yes. We. Can. Yes. We. Can. Yes. We. Can. Yes. We. Can. Yes. We. Can. Yes. We. Can. Yes. We. Can.
Yes. We. Can. Yes. We. Can. Yes. We. Can. Yes. We. Can. Yes. We. Can. Yes. We. Can. Yes. We. Can.

JACK said...

I'm getting nervous - like, people will actually be listening! *reviews script*

The Jaded NYer said...

@don- you and Obama need a new slogan.

@jack- I KNOW!!! ME, TOO!!! Just remember- when all else fails, use inappropriate language. All the best comedians and shock jocks do it.

say stuff like, "nappy-headed hoes" and maybe talk about the Dalai Lama's momma... stuff like that. we should be golden!


Don said...

A new slogan, really? Anything in mind???

The Jaded NYer said...

@don- Oh now *I* have to come up with a new slogan for that fool?

what do I look like, a wri... oh.

um, I can't think of anything write now, see, um, I'm in the middle of all these energy articles for three different clients, plus the phone is, um, ringing, and OMG the fax machine is on fire!!! gotta go!!!!

*runs away*

The F_Uitlist said...

ok one how are you going to do a show during Gossip Girls (must get my smut TV on) Prison break (my swirl tv on). DANG! I guess I'm going to have Tivo *kissing my 10pm bed time good bye*

Unknown said...

i might check that out..

Foia said...

That's what's up! Congrats! I will try and check it out, but don't cut me off if I can't..Will there be archives or something?

The Jaded NYer said...

@the f$%k it list- *sigh* that's okay... watch Gossip Girl... *pouts*

@bother omi- thanks, man!

@foia- I won't cut you off, don't worry! The shows are archived on the site after it airs so yes, you can listen at your leisure if you miss it :)

i.can't.complain. said...

i just moved and don't have my interwebs connection set up yet

i can't hear your show on my sidekick

so, i will be with u in text

but not audio

im sure ure do a fantasMic job, jaded one


Bangs and a Bun said...

I'm only gonna listen if you invite me on as a special guest. ;-)

The F_Uitlist said...

I'm going to tune in, I put it in my cellphone as a reminder. But when i have to take the day off on Wed it will be your fault hahahah.