Tuesday, September 16, 2008

She Didn't Have To Laugh So Hard Though...

N (reading McDonald's bag): So irresistible. So juicy. So Golden.
ME: Are they talking about me again?

(K falls out laughing in the background all loud n shit)

N (sarcastically): Yes, they are talking about you. You are perfectly seasoned all-white meat...

*smooches...wondering why I ever introduced those two to sarcasm*
but quietly, can McDonald's please stop talking about me? sheesh!

as for my radio debut... the show itself went well, but there were some slight technical difficulties at the end. As in, Mari and I kept talking on the line, and it was all recorded. After I edit it I will post for those who could not tune in.

For those who did, thanks a million bunches!!!


clnmike said...

Good show from what I caught.

The Jaded NYer said...

thank you! and so sorry it wasn't long enough to hear your full comment/question!!!

but you ROCK for calling in!!!!


Don said...

ME: Are they talking about me again?

Ummm, well, I will only say that from what I've seen and what I know about you....*suddenly goes silent as raquel slaps me in the back of my head*

...what was I saying? oh yeah, I listened to the show and I didn't like the way you rushed that last male caller off the phone.


Anonymous said...

Ooops! I totally forgot.

See, this is what happens when things happen at god-awful hours. I was in bed at 10pm.

The Jaded NYer said...

@don- listen, I had ONE MINUTE to go... BTR was about to cut him off so better me than a stranger!

@irene- I know school is kicking your butt so I actually didn't want to bother you about it.

Dave Van Buren said...

Did I mention football was on around 10pm last night? I'm looking forward to the replay.

I personally like women that can be described as meat (thick, tender, juicy)... lol

Anonymous said...

You have to appreciate sarcasm though. Some people lack the art of execution for it. But then you have those who have mastered it and always leave you in awe.

Don said...

*bangs hand on desk*


Eb the Celeb said...

you already know your girls are going to be a trip...I cant wait until you have 2 teenage girls in the house... that is going to be too funny!

12kyle said...

can't wait to hear the show

Amber "Bam" Cabral said...

That was funny.

The Jaded NYer said...

@super dave- I know I lost listeners to footbal... I'd rather that than Charlie Rose or something lol

@urban thought- I used to really enjoy sarcasm, until my daughters started to use it against me..

@don- now I KNOW you know better than to be making demands on MY blog!


@eb- girl... I already have the bail money set aside for when those two THINK they're full-grown! lol

@12kyle- I will edit it as soon as I get home and post on tomorrow's blog

@bam- thanks... at first I wanted to knock both of them out and then I realized: I created these monsters... it's all my fault!! lol

Mo said...

lol those two are comedians...cant wait to hear the show cuz its an interesting topic

dessex said...

If you radio show is as funny as you are...I need to hear it.

The F_Uitlist said...

The radio show was really good, even though i kept losing sound.

And I promise to know where my damn phone is next week. But CJ was on the phone talking to someone for like 2 hrs (long after Grandma hung up) and I found the phone in his bed.

Anonymous said...

I wonder who they get that sassy smart alecky shit from


i.can't.complain. said...

white meat, though?

not even lightly seasoned??

she's harsh.

*laughs just a little*


Muze said...


created in your own image. lol.

i wasn't able to listen.. can't wait to hear!

The Jaded NYer said...

@keiya- yeah, it's all fun and games until they say that mess in public! lol

@one man- no invite needed... just posted it today for everyone :)

and thanks for stopping by

@dessex- I wouldn't say this episode was funny (because of the topic at hand) but it had its moments.

@the f$%k it list- my sister read the chat room stuff afterwards and was like "you were talking about me the whole time!!" lol

Thanks for staying up!!!

@qucifer- I don't know WHAT you mean... lol

@-1- my little one keeps refering to me as white... not sure why...

@muze- I know I created the monster, but they are not supposed to use it against me!!

the show was posted today (wed) so have a listen when you get a chance!