Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Applying To A NYC High School Is A Full Time Job

Whether I like it or not, this year K, my ex and I have to dive head first into the mashugana NYC High School application process as if we have nothing else to do all day.

Some of you out-of-towners might not understand what I'm going through over here because chances are there are like three high schools in your hometown, and depending on where you live that's where you go to school.

Well, not in NYC. Here you have the option of attending ANY school regardless of location, and in order to attend the school of your choice you might have to audition (for performing arts schools) or take a test (for specialized & catholic & prep schools) or have an interview (for screened programs). And then you have to have the grades and test scores and go to open houses and OMG! I think I just burst a blood vessel near my temple...

It all starts in 7th grade- your marks from that year will determine where you can get in. That's the year you also get the NYC High Schools Directory- 584 pages of information on everything you could ever want to know about every-freakin-school within City limits. It's the size of the Staten Island yellow pages, for real.

So you have to go through this book and look at the schools you like and determine if, from the school's POV, you'd be a good candidate. THEN you have to attend these HS fairs and speak with reps from all the schools. THEN you have to schedule an interview and attend the school's open house and guided tour.

THEN, depending on whether you're going to Mt. St. Ursula or LaGuardia (the "Fame" school) you need to take entrance exams or put together a portfolio.

THEN you list the schools you want in order of preference- up to 12 of them- hand in this application to your 8th grade guidance counselor, and sometime in the spring you will know where you were accepted.

Sounds oddly familiar to something *I* had to do, too... AS A SENIOR IN HIGH SCHOOL APPLYING TO COLLEGE!

I mean, am I remembering it wrong, because I did not have to go through all this crap. All you other NYers out there correct me if I'm wrong, but it was pretty much one test for specialized HS, one test for Catholic schools, and an audition if you wanted LaGuardia. For everyone else, you just went to your zone school.

Why does it have to be all complicated when it's MY daughter's turn to go?

I tell you what, this application BS is for the birds... when it comes time to apply for college, I'm gonna just let her father handle it... (yeah, right... he can't be trusted to make such an important decision like that w/out me!)

*smooches...wondering why I can't just have a peaceful, quiet existence*
what did I do in my past lives to deserve this much chaos???


Anonymous said...

Uh, I remember taking one test and they sent you to wherever the test says you should go.

Kelly said...

Me too! I remember one test. You had a choice, go to the school you were zones for (for me, not even an option) or you took a test and went somewhere else. I wound up in St. Francis Prep ... and then moved out of state middle of my freshman year.

The Jaded NYer said...

@irene & kelly- I KNEW it... they've made it so complicated now that I just want to scream sometimes

Dave Van Buren said...

That sounds crazy, down here you got to the school closest to you or a private school. if you go private you have to apply and what not.

dejanae said...

i remember alladat
all the kids in the magnet program took them friggin tests
im sorry but after test 2 i was too thru with that crap
just went to the damn high school in my neighborhorhood (murrow) and called it a day

Amber "Bam" Cabral said...


Going to school in HS Detroit is complicated like that too. Competition to get in a good school and then because our population is down, competition between the schools who want you FOR YOU.

Its nuts.

*Thanks God again that I don't have kids and hopes Jaded NYer isn't makin none for me off that CD I sent*

Girl. Thats cause everyone acts like NYC is the Mecca for opportunity, so they have to make you feel like you are competing for it...

Later babe

The F_Uitlist said...

Yes it was much simpler in our day. But girl its not just HS, CJ has two interviews for a daycare.

GOOD LUCK! She's a smarty so she will be ok!

Blah Blah Blah said...

That is crazy.
So what if you are a senior and just mved to NYC...what is that process...of catch up.

Unknown said...

man i remember the process.
I remember having to cop that high school book that listed all the high schools in NYC and the application process. man it was a headache.

i feel for you

outside of the NYC, it is not like that. my oldest is in high school in va beach and he got into one of the best schools based on qualifications only. i thought he had to go through a process but i was wrong

i can see why they do it in NYC though. BIG population and so many schools.

The Jaded NYer said...

@super dave- see what I mean? other parents have it much easier than me, HMPH!

@dejanae- unfortunately it's so competitive now, and K wants to attend NYU or Columbia for undergrad, so the HS she attends is crucial... ugh!

@bam- you know? I made a big stink when my ex moved us to Jersey right before we split because I felt the schools were better in the City. I guess this is my punishment! lol

and don't worry... no lil ones headed your way just yet- it's still celibate city in these here parts :D

@the f$%k it list- Oh man... I'm glad I don't have any babies...

@blah blah blah- I think if you move here in the 8th grade you still go through the whole ordeal and they use your 7th grade marks from your previous school. I think.

@brother omi- I guess there are a lot more schools in the City now than when I was applying, because it really wasn't this big of an event.

Kelly said...

Two interviews?! For day care?! That is so messed up. Who the hell do they think they are that they think it's ok to interview? For day care?

We can't pay our teachers for sh*t but we make our schools seem so great that parents have to freak out and worry about interviews for day care. That is wrong.

And what the hell are we teaching our kids with this kind of mentality? No wonder the younger generations are having nervous breakdowns in their tweens. Sheesh!

The F_Uitlist said...

Kelly you took the words right of my mouth. I was over that school, once I was notified that we were chosen for a second interview.

Then after a little research I found out that he will have to do this again for K-8, What kind of mess is that?

i.can't.complain. said...

and i thought picking a pre-school was tough


n0days0ff said...

For a second there I was wondering how old you were until you said it was your daughter lol

JC said...

Or you could be like Catherine or choice unless you wanted to pay for Catholic school or private school. Never mind talk about regional school further out in the JC