Friday, October 10, 2008

Beware Of Lightning On Your Way Out

I got one of those forwards from a friend a while back with commentary that included the idea that god is gone from this world because we asked him to leave.

(Oh yes, that's right- I'm going there... talking shit about religion...)

And this idea was used to describe why so many horrible things are happening today.

I much rather prefer this bit of dialogue spoken by Al Pacino's character in The Devil's Advocate:

"Let me give you a little inside information about God. God likes to watch. He's a prankster. Think about it. He gives man instincts. He gives you this extraordinary gift, and then what does He do, I swear for His own amusement, his own private, cosmic gag reel, He sets the rules in opposition. It's the goof of all time. Look but don't touch. Touch, but don't taste. Taste, don't swallow. Ahaha. And while you're jumpin' from one foot to the next, what is he doing? He's laughin' His sick, fuckin' ass off! He's a tight-ass! He's a SADIST! He's an absentee landlord! Worship that? NEVER!"

(some of your jaws might have just hit the ground. I tried to warn you... it's okay if you leave now without reading the rest of this post)

I propose to you, dear readers, commenters and lurkers, that the only difference between 2008 and the year 8 is how the media reports and spins the news. Ain't nothing new under the sun- crime, war, godlessness- all existed since forever... you just hear about it more now because we are plugged in 24/7.

YouTube alone broadcasts some of the craziest, godless crap I've ever seen!

So we didn't "ask god to leave." "He's" still here like "he's" always been watching over this crazy science experiment called life.

Now, I don't have a problem with god. I know y'all think I do but I don't. I was Catholic for roughly 20 years of my life; it's not something I can toss aside so easily even though I have left the Church, so I still know how to "act right" and whatnot.


I do have a problem with patriarchal religious doctrine and dogma, created for the clear purpose of controlling people, especially women. Catholicism is extremely sexist and homophobic and, contrary to what the Church preaches, judgemental and hateful.

(That's right- the Church be having mind control on y'all... I said it. And what?)

That quote from the movie describes none other than the god that the Church created to benefit its own agenda and presented to me over and over again from grades K through 8, and then later as a teacher of Saturday Catechism classes. And THAT, like Pacino's character, is someone I will not worship. Ever.

So, whatever, if "he's" gone then let "him" be gone. Maybe now we can get some shit done!

Talk to me about a loving god, and maybe I'll listen...

*smooches...hoping I don't meet the afterlife with egg on my face...*
...although it's still not enough to get me to go to church... I'm sure the Christian god would prefer an actual believer than one who's there "just in case" there's a heaven...


Don said...

*tosses my weed out the door*

hell nah, i want some of THAT what you got...

Don said...

*takes long drag*


...yeah, oh most definitely, i'm feelin' you....tell me what happened said the u.f.o. flew up to the drive-thru and ordered some chicken wings.....

nah seriously. i can understand where you're coming from. back in the day i always wondered why things were like this when it could easily be like that. almost made me feel like we were inside a trick bag, or something.

big nuts, babygirl.

Kelly said...

I made it through to Confirmation. My mom looked at me and said Marriage is the next one and the rest is up to you. That was it for me.

Though I do adhere to one rule, the golden rule. I do unto others always. Though I'm a Libran and, in order to keep the balance, it just makes sense.

If you'd like, I can ask my sisterto add you on the list to join her in her handbasket. She says it's the deluxe addition and there's always room for one more.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed this post and the meaning behind it. I was raised in a very christian household all of my life and it really wasn't until recently that I looked at the whole situation and realized that "church" and "christianity" have become nothing more than institutions. I am at the point now where I strive to have a relationship with God, but not because the church or even my family says it's the right thing to do. I don't attend church and feel that I am now closer to God than I was when I was bustin down the church door on Sunday after gettin blowed and drunk Saturday night. I was a living contradiction.

Anonymous said...

Here's my view of religion...

I think that most religion is about control which is driven by guilt.

I don't believe the world is any worse off than it used to be. Like you said, the media covers EVERYTHING SENSATIONAL because human beings are sick and well like to see drama and other people in pain. Why do you think soap operas are so popular?

I believe in God. However, I believe that I can have a personal relationship with God through prayer, without having to give 10% of anything to some church whose main man is molesting some 8-year-old boy.

I think people should be spiritual, not religious. Then they can know what a real relationship with God is like. No 3rd party needed.

The Jaded NYer said...

@don- you are a damn fool! This post was written long after I quit smoking, so what does that say about my brain? lol

and LMAO @ "big nuts"... in these here parts we call them COJONES :D

@kelly- I was Confirmed as well... right around the time Sinead O'Conner had her little falling out with the Pope. After that whole debacle I really started to question the Church. The final nail in the coffin was when they gave me shit when I tried to Baptize K... I was too through with all of their arbitrary and oppressive rules.

Let your sister know that I've already booked a seat in first-class on the flight to hell, and if she needs to be added to the VIP list to let me know; I have the hook-up LOL

@lurker- I totally hear you! the entire Catholic Church is a living contradiction and leaving was the best decision I've made to date... well, besides getting a divorce! HA!

@irene- YES, girl, tell em!!! no third party indeed... I HATED having to go to confession, just to see the priest not 20 minutes later out back smoking a cigarette... I'm sorry, HELLO? I did not want THAT dude speaking to god on my behalf. I have a mouth and a brain; I'll do it myself!

Dave Van Buren said...

That was the most memorable part of that movie.

I ignoring the rest of the post "just in case" lol

JACK said...

Superdave - stop actin' like a power bottom. Read the damn post.

Now, that said ... I dont know what crawled up your skirt, miss Jaded ... but I like it.

I know God didn't leave because he just walked on in here, gave me pound and said he was going to the gas station to get some cheetos and a coke. He just don't give a shit any more ...

... right, because all he do now is eat cheetos and drink coke. Keep up, Carajo!

JACK said...

hode up, hode up. Is that me over there on your list in between VIP HELL PASS and OW MY LIVER?

I've so moved up around these parts. Praise the Cheetos!

clnmike said...

Lol, you are bucking for a first class ticket to the hotspot.

I agree with the quote to a degree.

God gave us all those gifts and set the rules in opposition but as a test of our worthiness as opposed to a joke.

We earn our way into heaven, it's not a birth right.

But your right a lot of the church's views are male minded.

The Jaded NYer said...

@super dave- LMAO!! fine... be a chicken...

@jack- cheetos and coke? really? dang... he done let himself go. prob from hanging out with your couch-loving ass!

and LMAO @ you still monitoring where your label is... HA HA HA!!!

@clnmike- wait... I gotta stand in line and hope I'm on the VIP list? for what? that's some BS; I don't do that mess here on earth I'm gonna do it in the afterlife? not likely...

12kyle said...

look at you breakin it down!!! i like it!

The F_Uitlist said...

1st The devil's advocate is the best movie ever! And I use quotes from it all the time... LOVE IT

2nd: I don't think this post has earned you your first class flight to the hot spot(others maybe) but not this one.

A real believer is a person that questions, that gets fed up and may leave but knows that there is a greater power at work,one bigger than herself. My mom whose goes to church every single sunday told me this in college when I questioned my own faith. And I live by it every day.

I believe my God is a loving, forgiving God. Not a vengeful one. Maybe you need to visit a different kind of church, The Catholic church as far as I can
see does not grow with the times.

I went to St. Pauls Baptist for a christening and the pastor said the most moving thing I ever heard when he asked where the father was. He said "well mother don't fret, God isn't going to judge you on how you this baby got here but on how you raised and treated her once she was". That young girl was like a light switch turned on from that point on. The judgements come from the people who don't have anything better to do. ok I'm off to the pumpkin farm!

Amber "Bam" Cabral said...

Sometimes I think people are trying to just scare people into believing in The Most High.

I too was raised Catholic.

*shakes head.

Once you turn from that cultish religion, things definitely become clearer.


i.can't.complain. said...

i. too have given up on organized religion

much to my friends and family's displeasure.

d'ah well


n0days0ff said...

That al pacino part was great,I used to know it by far as the rest of the post,ill make sure to throw down an ice cube for you lol

Unknown said...

fear is the prime motivator. fear of death is what fuels these institutions.

The Jaded NYer said...

@12kyle- I had to let it be known!

@the f$%k it list- LMAO @ other posts earning me my ticket to hell!

I wish I'd known that pastor when I was baptizing my baby...

@bam- cult INDEED! scare tactics just don't belong in the church... I wish they could see that.

@-1- hey, you have to do what's right for you...

@n0days0ff- LOL @ throwing me some ice. Thanks- I aapreciate it lol

@brother omi- once I realized this I was soooo out of there!