Friday, October 17, 2008

Cake And Kiwi And Green Lights

We were celebrating Thursday yesterday, because DUH! it was Thursday, so we made yellow cake (DON'T DROP THAT SHIT!) with milk chocolate frosting and maraschino cherries- our favorite combo. YUM!

And don't worry, we only had one piece each, and I followed mine with a short glass of skim milk.

Then I got on YouTube (looking up some wack-ass Texas rappers) and re-watched this short film that is saved in my favorites:

Little did I know that, after explaining the meaning of the film to N, she would fall victim to a fit of tears! My poor baby was so sad- it broke my heart... I never know with that one... when her great aunt died she was like "oh" and kept it moving. When I told her me and C were getting a divorce she was like "whatever" and could not wait to tell my mom.

But one three-minute clip about a creature that dies fulfilling its dream to fly and we have Niagara Falls? Strange...

So I had to go into cheer up mode, and came up with this:

Green Light - John Legend feat Andre 3000

This song is my new obsession and I cannot even contain myself whenever it comes on! Man, just leave me alone in a dance studio for like 3 hours and this song playing on repeat and I'll lose every pound of this excess weight right then and there!

*smooches...wishing you all cake, dream fulfillment and green lights all weekend*
see y'all Monday with more shenanigans :D


Dave Van Buren said...

uuummm cake.

That bird video is great, I never thought that the bird was committing suicide though. Thanks for ruining it *goes to cry in the corner*

Kelly said...

Mmmmmmm!!! Yellow cake with chocolate frosting. That's a favorite for both my sister and I. Gonna have to remember the cherries. Awesome touch!

The Jaded NYer said...

@super dave- SHUT UP! didn't you hear the "thump" at the end of the video? I'm just sayin...

@kelly- every birthday when I ask the babies what kind of cake they want it's this... yellow (sometimes strawberry) cake with chocolate frosting and cherries on top. you'll have to stop on through next time :D

Anonymous said...

wth?...that was so damn sad!

Muze said...

awww. that was sad! geesh! i don't blame poor N.

love that john legend song though.

mmmm maraschino cherries. mmmm.

i used to bake cakes all the time. too bad i'm on a no sugar no dairy diet for the next, ever. booooo.

mp1 said...

damn, he just wanted to fly. I aint even look at it like he was gonna die. But I guess he learned now. lol

That cake looks good. I want some!

The Jaded NYer said...

@a.j. brown- I know, but I didn't think she would fall apart after watching it. :(

@muze- no dairy? no sugar? what's the point of living?

*hands muze some cake*

here child, eat this. It'll make you feel better! LOL!!

@mp1- I guess I never thought it was terribly sad until I started reading everyone's comments. I was happy for Kiwi- I mean, how many of us ever experience that much happiness? Our deepest wish FINALLY fulfilled after so much hard work? but I see now how it's also pretty sad... my poor baby... I'm gonna give her some extra cake tonight!

Oh, before I forget... *hands mp1 some cake* don't tell anyone you got that from me... I don't have enough for everybody! lol

JACK said...

You showed THAT to N?!?! What's next? The SouthPark movie?


dito - poor N.


Eb the Celeb said...

Um... OK chick.. where is my piece of cake

and um... I love Greenlight... my fav line is when Andre 3000 says

"Let's leave this lame n*99a factory"

Mike Turner said...

I didn't hear the thump. So what Texas rappers caught your eyes?

The Jaded NYer said...

@jack- great! Now I feel like mean mommy!!

@eb- okay, SHHH! last piece... don't tell nobody... *hands eb piece of cake*

and Andre's whole freestyle had me dying... he's crazy!

@mike- right when Kiwi disappears into the fog before the credits, you hear a slight "thump" I've seen it so many times that I know it from memory!

and you know EXACTLY which wack-ass Texas rappers I'm talking about... the ones that killed my speakers last night... I'm bringing them up on charges, but I can't really talk about it because my lawyers advised against it...

Darius T. Williams said...

The cake is looking good! You turning into a food blogger on me (

Yes - shameless plug - lol.

So, um...I JUST downloaded this green light song so I can be prepared for John Legend's concert.

Keisha "Kitten" Isaacs said...

Hey Sistah!

The cake looks yummy...I'll take some with a glass of cold vanilla soy milk...thank you....

Have a great weekend

The F_Uitlist said...

I hope that yellow cake is wrapped up in a special CIA napkin!

Girl you know that's CJ song, he straight gets to break dancing. Cracks me up every time. He could be in the middle of a 2yr old meltdown and that song comes on and its over.

Ok that video was sad! CJ was not happy about seeing that.

Anonymous said...

Im going to give you high marks on the small piece of cake/skim milk dodat BUT I'm subtracting point for the cherries (as im no fan) and for making the baby cry and shit!

Mo said...

damn you jaded
i definitely just cried:-(

send me some cake to make me feel better :-)

The Jaded NYer said...

@darius- I can't even be mad... plug away, bruh, it's cool!

@keisha- we did have a pretty good weekend, thanks!

@the f$%k it list- OH NO! I made CJ sad? that's it, I officially feel terrible...

(and I'm glad you picked up on the Chappelle reference!)

@qucifer- aw man! that video is costing me points left and right!

@kieya- am I the only one who didn't cry, and instead felt happy for the little bugger?

Mo said...

they were happy tears lol