Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Lani Says...

"George Michael is playing and I'm about to eat an oyster... life is perfect!"

*smooches...wondering why my friends are so crazy*
meanwhile, the restaurant where we were when she said this is WACKALICIOUS... I think the hummus "plate"- which was just a smidgeon of hummus and like 2 small pitas- was almost $10... they must be buggin... I can get flavored hummus (mmmm...roasted red pepper hummus...) and a whole pack of pita bread for less than that.

PLUS I can eat it in my PJs, on my couch, while watching Heroes. Yeah, this restaurant sucks elephant toes.


12kyle said...

Kids will say what's on their mind

The Jaded NYer said...

um... she's not one of my kids, she's a good friend of mine. This is why it's important to read carefully and not skim... I'm just saying... lol

clnmike said...

Man I like hummus, but I got to pass on the oysters.

JACK said...

I'm with clnmike on this one. Oysters. YUK!

The F_Uitlist said...

I'll pass on hummus, texture yuck. And oysters.