And wouldn't you know it- it was a hot ghetto waste of time...
Dear Joe "Joe Cool" Biden:
You should have been much better prepared to answer the question as to WHY you are running as VP when earlier you were quoted as saying you NEVER would. Unpreparedness is not an option.
Also, you kept falling into the whole "back in my home town of West Butt Fuck, USA" pit, and it was not cute. It was almost like you were playing a game of "Who's more Blue Collar" instead of "Who Wants To Be Vice President."
Finally, you might want to control your temper... I saw/heard you sigh vehemently at least twice, almost like you wanted to bitch slap Palin. Not a good look, honey.
Dear Sarah "I Can See Russia From My House" Palin:
Sweetie Honey Girl... this was not a contest for how many buzzwords you can fit into an hour and a half, babycakes, Okie Dokie?
And gosh darn it, when you're asked a question about taxes, don't answer it with your position on the environment. Focus, Sarah, FOCUS!
And JESUS MARY & JOSEPH... did you really just use the term "straight up" and give "shout outs" like Uncle Ralph was interviewing you on Video Music Box? WORD? I was waiting for you to get into B-Boy stance...
All in all I was very disappointed with both of these fools, I'm still an undecided voter and am appalled that these are the only two VP candidates we get to hear from. What about Darrell Castle? Or Wayne Root? How about Rosa Clemente? Don't know who they are or where they stand? ME NEITHER, because all you hear all the live long day is Obama this and McCain that... blah blah blah Biden, wah wah wah Palin... give me a freakin break!
And just for the record- I'm pissed that neither side supports gay marriage and that both think that the solution the the oil crisis is to drill... they're all shady haters!
This voting shit is for the birds...
*smooches...nursing a wicked case of TOO THROUGH*
I would have much rather watched the movies I rented from the library...
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When Palin gave that 'shout out', my jaw was on the floor. Like really? Maybe she'll be interviewed on Hot 97 today.
I don't understand why you or anyone else is so appalled by the VP debate. Sure, their job is to be ready to lead the country in case of an extreme emergency but at this point, they are simply figureheads. Palin held her own fairly well compared to previous interviews but, gosh darnit, she is still a hot mess. Biden is undeniably experienced and I could not be mad about his reminiscing to growing up in Scranton, PA (of course, because of its relationship to The Office). Neither candidate outshone the other. At this point, its about knowledge and overall viewpoints on key issues. Rocky, you already know where I stand... :-)
Hmmmmm.... The VP debate....
Well, I must say that I thought Palin was going to blunders omething, but she was actually relatable...but a bit too relatable. Before the shout-out folly she actually said in a real honky-tonk voice, "Well, Joe..What do ya know" WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT???? I'm glad that she took the initiative in tyring to show that she was "just like the average American", but in the same stance, I don't want my neighbor to be th Vice President.
Biden... He's ok. I just think he's so busy being gangster, that he missed some points with me. It became an arguement of who said what... no I didn't... yes you did...that type of thing. And even when he was asked a question about something random as hell, he would say something about Iraq and how he didn't support it. The moderator was trying to touch on different things, and Ol'Joe was stuck in Iraq. But he did bring his rebuttals back to the question at hand...rather swiftly now that I think about it.
Ughhh..... I dunno
@big o- politics has never interested me, but people kept saying "this is the most important election EVER!" so whatever, I watched the damn debate...
@bangs and a bun- even my 13yr old was like, "what did she just say?"
LMAO@ the Hot 97 interview...
@mari- bear with me... you know this is the first time I'm paying attention to an election... all of this is new to me. I expected people to, I don't know, answer questions and stuff. Guess I was wrong lol
I'll be sure and check out the next debate with Obama & McCain... I do promise to vote this year, just don't know for whom just yet...
@green- yeah... neither one impressed me too much... and hokeyness was really starting to irk me a lot lol
I hate politics.... and the damn debates are more political than anything else... everyone tip toeing around the issues for 90 minutes...
now this debate was a lot better than the one last week...
Palin did a lot better than I expected her to. She wasnt afraid to take a couple shots a Biden and for that I would give her a chest bump...
But she's still dumb as a door knob thus the reason she was taken captive to McCain house for the past 3 days practicing for this damn thing...
Any who... like bangs and buns said.. I couldn't believe she gave a shout out to them 3rd graders
That will be the last debate I will be watching...
I dont need to see anything else!
I've gotten to the point where I so want this whole thing to be over and they are all looking like a bunch of idiots right now because its going to take a whole term before we see any change good or bad and then it will be time to pick them again or choose someone else...
but with that said... I am still Baracking the vote
I hate politics!
Is there a 3rd party or something I can vote for cause I ain't feelin' the dems or reps.
@eb- I do feel inundated with this stuf, too. Nov 4th cannot get here fast enough!!
@irene- go here:
that's where you can read up on the other candidates and what they stand for, etc.
As usual, Nader is running again LOL, and if you want to be a total feminist, the Green Party has two women running together: McKinley and Clemente I think is their names...
i think biden was drunk. the best part was toward the end when he went off on McCain being a "maverick"
@super dave- OMG YES!! I was laughing so hard when he was visibly annoyed at the whole Maverick statement! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
guess who is Cynthia McKinney's running mate?
Rosa Clemente... someone who talks and walks like us.
can't be that.
What I got out of it was that Joe stuck to the issues and convinced me that he is the man to trust in a time of crisis.
Sarah did not.
Cool. I checked out the site.
I agree with Barr on almost everything - social welfare...we definitely need to get rid of that, on the US being the world's policeman and illegal immigration. Damn, I may very well be a Libertarian.
Holy Crap. Howard Stern was right!
"I was waiting for you to get into B-Boy stance..."
NIETHER side suports gay marriage...didn't know that. It's kinda pissed, in a world of freedom of choice it should be an option.
anyhooo let me stop pretending i understand american politics.
vice presidents dont do anything anyway... lol
Now Now before you all start running off voting for Ralph Nader remember that if you do and the vote is split (like with Gore) we could be stuck with more Bush politics.
As for the Barack/Biden ticket they support civil unions for gay couples but not marriage. They also support a gay couples right to adopt, to be covered under benefit packages. Barack doesn't support don't ask don't tell, just the right to be who you are in the military. John McCain does not support any of the above.
I'm not saying not to vote for whomever you want, that is your right as an American. But review the platforms of the more likely candidates as well.
AND BARACK THE VOTE! :) (you know I had to throw that in for good measure).
lol @ waiting for her to get into b-boy stance. so was i! couldn't BELIEVE she was giving shout outs. i was like ummm this is NOT the source awards, wtf?
and biden... i heart him for not giving a damn. lol.
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