Friday, October 24, 2008

Side Effects Of WHORE Mode May Include Violence

via text...

JACK: I'm in my WHORE mode.
ME: You don't say...
JACK: Wait. Was that sarcasm?!
ME: From me? Noooo!
JACK: Y otra vez! I seent it!!
ME: Never!
JACK: Pero maldita sea!!! AGAIN! right there. *points at text* SEE?
ME: *looks at text* Where? I don't see it...
JACK: *throws phone at you*
ME: OUCH! What was that for?
JACK: what?! *throws phone again and storms out*
ME: Maldita sea... pero este tipo 'ta loco *looks thru Jack's phone*
JACK: *returns, retrieves precious phone and leaves again, slamming door*

*smooches...with a phone-shaped bruise on my forehead*
I might have to get Jack neutered, otherwise the gays of the Midwest might be in trouble!!