Friday, October 24, 2008

Side Effects Of WHORE Mode May Include Violence

via text...

JACK: I'm in my WHORE mode.
ME: You don't say...
JACK: Wait. Was that sarcasm?!
ME: From me? Noooo!
JACK: Y otra vez! I seent it!!
ME: Never!
JACK: Pero maldita sea!!! AGAIN! right there. *points at text* SEE?
ME: *looks at text* Where? I don't see it...
JACK: *throws phone at you*
ME: OUCH! What was that for?
JACK: what?! *throws phone again and storms out*
ME: Maldita sea... pero este tipo 'ta loco *looks thru Jack's phone*
JACK: *returns, retrieves precious phone and leaves again, slamming door*

*smooches...with a phone-shaped bruise on my forehead*
I might have to get Jack neutered, otherwise the gays of the Midwest might be in trouble!!


lanibear said...

Ummm....both of you are nuts!!

Dave Van Buren said...

lol... ya'll have issues. Make sure you bring this up with your shrink.

12kyle said...

are y'all going to counseling?? lol

JACK said...

We love us! And we don't need no counseling. But I just saw a man walk by the house. brb ......

The Jaded NYer said...

@lanibear- are you crazy?! don't say "nuts" to a gay in heat!!

@super dave- my shrink doesn't need to know any of this... she doesn't even know I have a blog so SHHHH!!!!

@12kyle- not together but YES we do go to counseling... why do you ask?

@jack- step away from the man... do not get any closer to the man!!!

The F_Uitlist said...

The two of you are crazy!

clnmike said...

If I didnt know he was gay I would swear yall two are married.

The Jaded NYer said...

@the f%&k it list- but crazy in a good way, right? lol

@clnmike- he IS my gay husband... we just have a open marriage is all...

The F_Uitlist said...

Yes in a good way, in a Will & Grace way.

cy said...

dashing tribute! here here to the superdoƱas of the universe. peace/ health/radiance to you from the island to the island.



cy said...

dashing tribute! here here to the superdoƱas of the universe. peace/ health/radiance to you from the island to the island.



Naturally Alise said...

That was such a touching tribute, strong women rock!