Thursday, October 23, 2008

So Fucking WHAT?

I've been lax over at my other blog, the one where I keep up with the entertainment Joneses... you know, the one you never read?

But anyway, I've been loving this P!nk single to death ever since it premiered, and I ESPECIALLY love the video because that girl is totally the White Me in another life. I love me some P!nk. And I knew if I posted this over there you'd never see it. That's why it's here, instead.

So for everyone who's had the rug pulled out from under them by some shiftless, shady ex... P!nk and I want to play a lil diddy for you:

*smooches...wondering how long before N and I make our own video to this song*
considering I just bought the single from iTunes, I'd say... expect a video in about two weeks...


JACK said...

You do realize there's a reason nobody reads the other blog? LMAO

But, my favorite part is when she climbs up on the JUST MARRIED mobile and all but desecrates it. Make sure you get N to do this in your video.

The Jaded NYer said...

RE: your first comment, please refer to the title of the post! lol

RE: the second part of your comment... you trying to get my baby arrested???

Mrs. MR said...

I was just talking about how effin' awesome she is with some people on FB this week. My favorite album is M!undaztood.

Anonymous said...

I wanna start a fight

na na na na

Adds to my secret play list

Darius T. Williams said...

You know...I REALLY need to get into her.

The Jaded NYer said...

@mrs. mr- she really is awesome... I've loved her since "There You Go"

@dipsetjam- LOL @ secret playlist!!

@darius- you really should. She can sing AND she has a great sense of humor :D

Anonymous said...

I loves pink for some reason, I got a weak weak spot for the bish!, and her tats, and he hair