Wednesday, October 22, 2008

What You Can Do In Four Years

It's a long or short amount of time, depending on how you see it and what you're trying to do.

It can seem like forever if you're in jail or in High School.

It can go by too fast when you're in college.

And it can seem like three eternities when you're riding out a really god-awful American president.

But in just four years my friend Cathi was able to build a relationship with someone new after a hellish roller coaster with her ex-husband.

(and yes, I have her permission to write this, so just shut the hell up!)

I still remember the day she "ran away from home" and showed up on my doorstep in Riverdale, talking 'bout "I left Nate." I thought I was about to be in a really bad Lifetime movie. Was this fool about to show up at my door, too? Was C gonna have to get Manhattan College security to throw him out on his ass?

We went out that night to celebrate her new-found freedom and her mom flew all the way out from California to pick her and her three babies up and take them home the very next day. I thought it was going to be easy-breezy for her after that, away from him and hear her folks, but he had the courts drag her back to the East coast and the drama continued. It was a hot ghetto mess.

After she'd finally settled into her new New England digs, she tells me she met someone new. At first I'm like "whatever" because Cathi's not a dog- it's not hard for her to meet someone new. But she has three babies and a MOTHERFUCKINGASSHOLETRICKASSBITCH of an ex-husband, and that can make new relationships tough.

But next thing I knew it was a year later and they were still together. Curious.

They came to NYC and I met him and he was cool and all, but Jaded lil me gave him a few more months before he was out of the picture. Because that's what dudes do, right? Nope. Two years went by and still, there he was!

They came out for my birthday one year and he upped his coolness factor and all I could think was WTF? Why is this dude still here? Doesn't he know she has three babies and a MOTHERFUCKINGASSHOLETRICKASSBITCH of an ex-husband?

I invited them out for a weekend to AC and again, still here, still cool, same dude. Hmmm. Even my BF at the time was like, "I really like that guy; he was cool." Huh?

Then, for my birthday weekend this year, HE BABYSAT HER KIDS while she came down to the City to get drunkity-drunk-drunk with me. And when I showed up at her door in June with my BMW, er, I mean our friend Rich, he totally fed us and was the most awesomest host and designated sober person for the entire weekend.

So I'm talking with her this weekend and she tells me that TODAY it will be FOUR YEARS that they've been together and my brain almost exploded. WORD? FOUR YEARS?

Lets see... what have I done since 2004...

1. I learned that I cannot teach students with learning challenges, especially not in a boarding school situation

2. Left C, got a divorce, moved in with my mom, THEN moved to BK and became a full time writer

3. Slept with more guys than I care to admit (or recall).

4. Lost a bunch of weight.

5. Gained a bunch of weight.

6. Became a godmother.

7. Became THE Master of Fine Arts (pending, alright, dammit?!?!).

8. Saw my sister graduate from Cornell.

9. Gave up red meat.

10. Created an online empire (that's right, I said empire... and WHAT?!?!).

Take a look at what's NOT on that list...

Cultivated and nurtured a loving, caring, sweet-as-pie, makes-me-want-to-puke-they're-so-cute relationship with a really cool dude. The one thing I secretly want but don't really like to admit.

Cathi & Jim: here's to four (trillion) more years. You know I'm totally jealous... BITCH!

*smooches...currently accepting applications for my next BF/sexy-hot-lover*
please be cute, tall, smart, tall, muscle-y, tall, funny, tall, well-endowed and tall. Oh, and please be tall.



Keisha "Kitten" Isaacs said...

Hey Sistah!

You are so've done quite a bit in four years...and you even have me pondering on what I've done in the last four years...maybe I'll make a list too.....

Glad your friend found someone opposite of that MFATAB ex husband she had before...

JACK said...

I can't make a list of everything I ate today - and you're working on what you did in FOUR years?!? WTH!

dejanae said...

u did a helluva lot more than me

does ole boy have a younger black brother?
but for real tho
seems like real good folk

Anonymous said...

hmmm, four years eh? That brings us back to 2004...Let's see!

Got engaged.
Got married.
Got published.
Had a baby.
Started a real estate business.
Closed a real estate business.
Went on 10 vacations.
Ran a 5K.

The Jaded NYer said...

@keisha- if anyone deserves some happiness it's Cathi, trust me!

@jack- that's because you're an alcoholic crackhead... now put down the pipe for chrissake!

@dejanae- if he does have a younger black brother I got dibs!! lol

@bangs and a bun- feel free to throw the word around LOL

@irene- shut up! lol

Anonymous said...

OMG!! Sweetheart, you are always my love. This is a wonderful write up. (Not bad on the pics)

Thank you.

Mrs. MR said...

You left out mother to 2 daughters. Like Keisha (finally someone who spells it right!) said your list of accomplishments are nothing to sneeze at. Be proud and don't be surprised by the potential for good things that could come in not so tall packages. Remember it is all about girth.

The Jaded NYer said...

@cathi- I started to write something embarrassing and snarky, but this is what came out instead LOL

@mrs mr- I've been a mom in some capacity since '84 so I don't really count that... and I know I've done a lot, but it kind of seems small w/out someone to come home to to share it with. I love my babies to death but I need another grown-up in the house... you know?

and don't think I didn't catch that "girth" remark! LMAO!!!!

Amber "Bam" Cabral said...

This was so cute. :)

They say there is someone for everyone!

BTW, who knew you were a full time writer in NY? THATS AWESOME!


12kyle said...

Four years can really seem like a blur. I'm looking forward to the next 4 with Barry O in office

LMAO @ the ex

12kyle said...

Four years can really seem like a blur. I'm looking forward to the next 4 with Barry O in office

LMAO @ the ex

The F_Uitlist said...

That list is rather impressive. I' sure your tall, funny well endowed man is somewhere looking right at you. Put on the rose colored glasses girl!

And congrats to your friend, luckygirl!

Muze said...

lmao at your capital cursing. loves it.

and i SO FEEL you on the tall thing. a woman needs her 4 inch heels! lol.

your friends are cute. and you've done a lot in four years. so hush.

the man awaits. don't worry.

The Jaded NYer said...

@bam- Knowing me, I may have already thrown my "someone" away! lol

and yes, I write... not what I want to write but I'm getting the resume filler I need to get where I need to be!

@12kyle- and what will you do if it's not Obama??? Hmmm???

@the f$%k it list- I think I lost my rose-colored glasses at a frat party in college... damn grain alcohol done RUINED ME!

@muze- I don't even wear the heels... I'm 5'10 so I can't hang with the shorties! lol

and yeah, I've done a lot and I'm happy with my accomplishments... just DAMN can I just find a good man already? lol

Anonymous said...

This was super touching and sweet!, loves it

Unknown said...

i think i know that guy

Gee, no one did a piece on our 8th anniversary!

just messing with you

The Jaded NYer said...

@qucifer- thanks, nena

@brother omi- LOL... if I'd known I'd have said something :D

Brothers Blog said...

Yes I agree you can damn near blink and 4 years will pass. My son is about to be 5 years old next month. But 4 years ago his mom and I were separated about to divorce. But congrats to Cathi isn't love grand? LoL. But much like you said jealousy sets in why can't we all have that? lol.