Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Follow Thru...

Oye- my show was THE BOMB yesterday and I know a lot of you missed it, so check out my BTR page (click on the icon on the right hand column) and leave a comment on the BTR blog.

And don't forget to vote, dammit!


I have a gazillion flaws- from my weird toes to my sarcastic undertones to my penchant for catching an attitude with people for no good reason- but my biggest, meanest, nastiest flaw has to be my lack of follow-thru.

I went to grad school, borrowed thousands of dollars from Uncle Sam to pay for it, and guess what? I still have no diploma because my thesis edits remain unfinished.

I began work on a website, an online portfolio... even went so far as to hire a webmaster, with lofty plans to have it launch in September. What month is it? Yeah, that's what I thought.

There is this awesome charity that I really wanted to work with... and I keep forgetting to get back in touch with them and begin the grant writing project they wanted me to start on.

Last year I launched Operation Bikini Body... and I think we all know what happened with that. You don't know? Didn't I tell you? Oh, well I paid Bally's $35 a month and never went. Not only that, but I gained even more weight.

Basically I'm a flake, and I hate that about myself. It's partly a product of over-extending myself, volunteering myself for stuff that I end up not having enough time for, and it's partly because I'm a slave to technology.

These ideas flow through my mind and they all sound so good; I write notes on post-its and put them in my day planner. I say to myself: You see this to-do list you just made? Follow it to a tee and your day will go so much better.

But then I get distracted. And then the lazies kick in. And next thing you know nothing has been accomplished except maybe I watched West Side Story clips on YouTube as if I don't own the DVD.

Here's what's what: For weeks now I've been finishing up different projects that have gone untouched and been ignored for months (or years) now, and it's been going really well. That is a first for me. And it's mostly working because I'm not talking about it to every Tom, Dick and Geraldo I come across, especially here on the blog. I'm just doing it. Not writing it down or planning a schedule or anything- just picking a project and rolling with it.

So that is my new approach to anything I'll be undertaking from now on.. I'm gonna steal Nike's slogan and just do it. (And yes I do understand that I am, in essence, telling you of THIS plan on the blog thereby defeating the purpose of... dammit, you know what I'm getting at!) I already employ this policy when it comes to men and dating, and now I'm applying it to other aspects of my life.

Secretly, I think the Haters and Doubters are reading about my plans and sending me bad juju. So, no more ammunition for you, Haters and Doubters... I'm onto you; and this time I'm armed with a shitload of Orishas so you'd better watch the fuck out... Chango is on MY side...

I'm just gonna go about my life as I have been this fall, without pomp and circumstance so that I can actually get things done.

And maybe, after I've accomplished my goals, I'll let you in on it. Maybe. Or maybe I'll enjoy my tiny victories at home with my babies over a game of Uno and a fresh batch of cupcakes.

*smooches...realizing that somethings are better left unplanned and unsaid*
especially if the Universe is going to keep throwing me these dang curve balls... I mean I love baseball and all, but that doesn't mean I'm good at it!

PS- don't forget to vote; both in the Presidential AND the local elections. Pretty Please? For ME? With a cherry on top?


JACK said...

wait a minute. Didn't that slogan come up in our last conversation about *MY* lack of follow thru?!? Twins. That theme resurfaces periodically.

The F_Uitlist said...

Well Good Luck with accomplishing your goals.

*Sending positive energy your way*

Anonymous said...

I am so into getting things done this year. I think it started with my weight loss journey.

Then is was the race running. I have 1 down, 2 more to go this year.

The biggest thing though is my degree...only 22 credits away. Woohoo! So close but so far.

Then there are the 2 triathlons next year...scary but doable.

But I like to write about my goals so...well...I don't know. It keeps me accountable.

Soon you will be done with your thesis edits and have that piece of paper. And won't that be fun to cross off the list.

PS-I've begun researching some places for Montauk next year. I'll keep you posted.

Dave Van Buren said...

Orishas? Chango? who are these people... lol

uummm cupcakes.

The Jaded NYer said...

@jack- yes; 2008 was the year of the couch, and that needs to change. for real!

@the f$%k it list- thanks, hon. It's all about being the best me possible :D

@irene- if you accomplish nothing else this year rest assured that you did accomplish this- getting my ass inspired to get shit in order!

@super dave- orishas: deities associated with Yoruba religious beliefs (santeria/voodoo); the emissaries of Olodumare or God almighty. They rule over the forces of nature and the endeavors of humanity.

the orisha chango: (sometimes spelled Shango) rules over lightning, thunder, fire, the drums and dance. He is a warrior orisha with quick wits, quick temper and is the epitomy of virility.

does that help??

Amber "Bam" Cabral said...

Hey Babe,

I feel you here. I am currently on a pick a goal and get it done thing my damn self and I put ALL THE MEN DOWN.

Men are distracting. Either they are needy, or they give great sex, or they have good conversation or they are nice to look at, or.

You get it.

But I have also put a lot of girlfriends down as well because chicks can be CATTY and hateful and pray against your success.

Why bother?

Good luck girlie, I am rootin for you!

12kyle said...

i've gotta go back and listen to the show. you know that i hate to miss the show. lol

JACK said...

Certainly you're not intimating that I need to get off the couch, right? I must've misread. That. right?

Anonymous said...

I like that last statement. I learned that along time ago. I keep my plans to myself, I like to surprise people.

Remembers my failed trip to Italy.

The Jaded NYer said...

@bam- sometimes it's the girlfriends who are the worst; it's why I only have a handful of female friends in my life!

best of luck with your goals; need me to send some santos to watch over you? lol

@12kyle- I know... but listen to the archive; it was a pretty good show if I do say so myself! lol

@jack- HUH? who was talking about your couch? certainly not I!! someone must've hacked into my blogger account...

@dipsetjam- LMAO @ italy trip!! don't worry- my trip got thwarted too... I went and got myself knocked up soph year! *sigh*

Naturally Alise said...

I guess everyone's energy or whats-in-ever works differently, because I have to put my goals out there or else i will fail in epic fashion, something about me feeling like I am not only letting myself down but others (irrational of course bc I am sure other people could care less anyway)works for me... I hate I am just finding your blog, me likey...

Unknown said...

i don't even want to talk about going back to school. I need to finish
