Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Goodbye, Justine. We'll Miss You.

First thing's first:


(blog family, say Happy Birthday to Nina...)

Okay, now on to the post:
I really hate therapy. I do. I don't like this woman trying to convince me that my grandmother was not a real substitute for my mom... she must not know who I am.

But one good thing that has materialized from this weekly thorn in my side is an honest look inward, at who I've been and who I want to be. The latter is still kinda fuzzy, but I do know who I don't want to be.

I've really given this a lot of thought and decided that I don't want to be that girl at the bar who doesn't know when to say when, and then decides, "Sure, I'll take a hit, why not?" and then wakes up at 4AM thinking, "This isn't my bed..."

Yeah, I don't like that girl. Even if The Webmaster says I look "cute" when I'm drunk, or that I know how to pull it off without looking pathetic... yeah, right! My 33-year-old liver begs to differ. Besides- that's just code for "One day I'll get you drunk enough and then we can fuck!" I know this game... this ain't my first time at the rodeo, buddy!!

(I kid, I kid... I just know he's gonna read this and blow a gasket or two... I guess that's why I said it. HA!)

So The Voices and I got together and staged a coup and kicked "that one" out- the one who craves whiskey and weed and sex. We kicked her drunken slutty ass out of the band and told her to NEVER come back. It was about freakin' time we broke up with her anyways.

We even dedicated this song to her:

I mean, I'm damn near 35- what I look like tripping over myself outside the club like some trailer trash wench from Louisiana? I'm somebody's momma, dammit, I gotta start acting like it...

*smooches...certain that my liver and lungs and girly parts thank me profusely*
but please, feel free to have a drink; I'll be here in the corner with my camera waiting patiently for the money shot...


JACK said...

It's like Destiny's Child drama ALL over again ... oh dear!

clnmike said...

Bravo, your right your some one's mama, be surprpised how many women in the world cant wrap their minds around that.

Bangs and a Bun said...

Good for you girl. That's a very admirable decision. As someone who's always been a non drinker & non smoker, I can tell you, it's not so bad over here on the good side ;-)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Nina!

LOL @ waiting patiently for the money shot!

Darius T. Williams said...

Happy Birthday Nina!!!

Wait - I'm still falling out at your girly parts!

The Jaded NYer said...

@clnmike- I've seen those women... hell, a few are related to me. It's just NOT a good look...

@bangs and a bun- your post about not drinking helped me make the final decision, actually; I was already considering it and then I read your post and was like, "Yeah, I'm kinda through with being drunk..."

@a.j. brown- you know everybody has that one friend who can't hold her liquor who just makes for GREAT photo ops... lol

@darius- I have to protect them, if not me then who? lol