Sunday, November 16, 2008


I don't know who I was kidding when I thought I would be able to land, ON TIME, at LaGuardia at 8:59PM, and then make it to my house in time to broadcast MONDAY MUSINGS this week, and that's a shame because I really hate to skip another week!

But rest assured, I'll be back next week to take over your "airwaves" and blow your mind.

You don't want to miss it.

And FYI-

Check out my Hottie McHottie new flier/postcard for the show.

One guess as to who designed it. That's right, BITCHEZ, c'est moi!!! Isn't it THE DOPENESS? You're jealous, I can tell, it's okay... but not everybody can be as talented as me... it will be fine... you're still a good person...

HUGE SHOUT OUT TO: Marcin, The Webmaster and Jack who each gave me really helpful critiques, tips, edits and 2-minute Photoshop tutorials to make it all happen. There'll be a lil something in your X-mas stocking this year...

*smooches...wondering if I can now add my "expert" Photoshop skills to my resume*
while working on this poster, I discovered buttons and functions in Photoshop that I never even knew existed! learn something new every day...

Oh, and I also learned that even your best guy friends can be a little perverted sometimes...


Eb the Celeb said...

loving the flyer... still havent caught the show though... as soon as monday night football is over you have my attention... just 1 more month...

The F_Uitlist said...

Great flyer. I'll be there next week, in the chat room laughing with folks heheh

Anonymous said...

Very oh-so-hawt!

clnmike said...

The flyer is tight.

The Jaded NYer said...

@everyone- MUCHAS GRACIAS! I poured my blood sweat and many, many tears into this flyer... won't be designing anything else for a while! lol