And a big shout out to Glenny who did my color; now I am ME again:

A nice, brunette ME.
PS... guess what else? I let this dude at Sephora talk me into buying nail polish when all I went in there for was some Smith's Rosebud Salve and some Brambleberry Rose Lip Balm (thanks for the recommendation, Lani!). He said it was the hottest new color this fall, Metro Chic:

It looks like wet City cement to me... I kinda like it. Am I crazy?
*smooches...with my hair back to normal and ready for the holidays*
and sorry my hair is in that bun, but I didn't want to take it down. I'm trying to preserve the curl LOL
but don't my bangs look like the hotness? Boys, beware- my bangs are on the prowl...
umm looks nice. :)
I like the color... on me it would look like my nails were black but next to your skin tone it looks good....
and I was digging the red you... but switching up the color for the winter is always a good thing
Oh, I like the hair and nail color. I may have to borrow that polish.
1st I LOVE Rosebud salve. Its a must have for kids as well.Helped with my nephew's black eye. Two days (long story)
2nd LOVE your hair dark. I too have a new look. I'll see if I can get some shots maybe I'll post on Tuesday.
yes the bangs are hotness..lol
I KNEW you were STRAIGHT team-Binks (my sister) she STAYS on them poopy neutral colors, No mind you I LOVE em but she won't change them from this... your nails have my shape... Return me them at once!!
...of course only dif is your nails are healthy and long and shit.... Boo! me BOOOOO!!
Girl, didn't you get the memo? Bangs and a Bun is where it's at :-P
Nail colour is smokin' too.
I think your hair looks adorable. Must be something in the air because I recently got bangs too. I don't know that I've ever even had them but something said "I want something TOTALLY different for my sister's wedding" and I went out on a limb. Thankfully, the woman cutting my hair has known me since I was born so she knew if I could pull it off or not.
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