Monday, December 08, 2008

I Only Have One Thing To Tell You Today...

I had the faux-flu so my weekend was kind of low key. Well, not on Twitter, but in general it was low key.

So all I have to say to you today is you need to tune in to Monday Musings w/The Jaded NYer & Friends because tonight, Muireann, my sister from a white mother and author of the blog Bangs and a Bun is guest hosting my segment on Interracial Dating, and if you love her brand of comedy and mine, you know this segment will not disappoint.

Plus, I can almost guarantee that she has a wicked awesome British accent and I'm all giddy because by 10PM tonight I'll get to hear it. WOO HOO!

Oh, yeah, and we might talk some serious shit for like a minute, too, but I wouldn't count on it.

As usual, the chat room is THE place to be; it's where all the cool kids hang out and pretty much act a fool, but I encourage you all to call in, too. We'd love to hear from you...

Until then....

*smooches...staying on the blogger DL this week*
I don't really have much to talk about right now. Unless... do you want to see pictures of my food baby belly? 'Cause I already sent one to Jack and I have no qualms about sending one to all of you. I'm about 5mos along... it's the cutest belly EVER...


Dave Van Buren said...

oohhh the faux-flu. I hope you feel better. Let me put a reminded in my phone for the show, British accents rock.. lol

Bangs and a Bun said...

I can confirm that my accent is indeed 'wicked awesome'.

Anonymous said...

I thought the segment was on child-rearing. I was looking forward to that.

I don't think I have anything to add regarding interracial dating.


Darius T. Williams said...

Awww - I love her - I'll be tuning in - i just set the alarm on my bbery.

The F_Uitlist said...

I'll be there, on the phone and in the chat room acting my normal fool ass self.

I have many funny stories on interracial couples hating on me, while I could care less hehehe.

Wicked awesome british accents are a plus!