Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Monday Musings On Hiatus...

Dahlings... did you enjoy last night's broadcast? I thought it was very informative and brought up many good points on what it's like to be plus-sized in today's society. Of course, I only have an hour so Irene and I couldn't possible touch upon EVERYTHING... hop on over to the BTR blog and let me know your thoughts.

And remember, we're on vacation for the 29th, but please believe I'll be back on January 5th with more of Monday Musings w/The Jaded NYer & Friends.

*smooches...looking forward to next year's hot topics*
I really think you'll enjoy what I have in store for you my dearies.

Also, if anyone is DYING to be a co-host because you want to hear yourself "on the radio" hit me up on rpenzo@thejadednyer.net. There's room on the crazy bus for everybody!

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