Thursday, December 04, 2008

N Says Big Is Not Always Beautiful

N: Was it me and K who made you fat?
ME: No- I'm fat because I eat too much and don't exercise.
N: Oh but the boobies- that was me and K
ME: Yup.


ME: Actually, big boobies run in the family.
N: (throwing herself on the floor all dramatic n shit) NOOOOOOOOOOO!

*smooches...laughing at my baby's sassy mouth*
she always comes up with new and inventive ways to insult me, but it's all good, tho... just wait til Christmas. Guess who's getting a lump of coal? Mhmm...


Marielys said...

Well she can take heart in the fact that the Big Boobies gene skipped the hell over me like "are you kidding? Did you really think you were gonna have boobs----- ever???!". We can be itty bitty together and proud. LOL. You know that lil girl and I are one person so it prolly will pass her over as well.

Eb the Celeb said...

lol...from the pics fromt he previous posts... your girls are getting so big... before you know it your going to have 2 teenagers in the house... whew.. you are going to be too funny

nikki said...

she gonna love the big boobies when the time is right. LOL

i tell my mom she's got a lil white girl booty. we laugh about it, then hug. the insults are what keep us close. :)

Dave Van Buren said...

I personally like big boobies... lol

imagine how boring life would be with dull kids.

Anonymous said...


clnmike said...


They will learn that it is an asset.

The Jaded NYer said...

@mari- that's because you got all the Booty genes. I'm sayin, can a sistah get some booty, please? lol

@eb- stop laughing! those two are gonna have me in an organge jumpsuit soon enough HA!

@nikki- me and your mom have a lot in common :D

@super dave- you're right... these kids keep me on my toes and provide much fodder for this blog!

@dipsetjam- just wait until you're a dad. you'll see what I'm dealing with...

@clnmike- thing is, I'm not so sure it's that much of an asset. It hasn't made ANYTHING any easier for me, that's for sure!

*rubs sore shoulders and back*

The F_Uitlist said...

HAHAA, N is my girl! My sister are big boobs too and when I was pregnant I was like will these go away!