Monday, January 05, 2009

Calling All Wannabe Radio Hosts...

Monday Musings is looking for YOU!

The whole point of the show is to have a conversation with you, my lovely, faithful readers, so why not sign up to be a co-host?!

I mean, c'mon, if 12KYLE can do it, anyone can (HAHAHAHA!!! You know I kid 'cause you're like family).

The next season are already chock-full of exciting topics and guest hosts, but there are still a few segments looking for love, including:

  • Global Warming is Real- But How Many Of Us Really Care?
  • Race Relations in the U.S.
  • Child Rearing 101 pt 3- She's In School Now And Thinks She Knows Everything
  • Special Broadcast: Women's Heritage Month- The Movers & Shakers That ROCK!
  • Uncle Sam Ain't Playing w/Y'all- Last Minute Tax Tips for Dummies
  • Child Rearing 101 pt 4- TBD

Won't you adopt a soft, cuddly Monday Musings topic today? Email me RIGHT THIS MINUTE at

Meanwhile, tonight's season premiere is, drum roll please:

Cooking 101: All the Basics for Those Who are Afraid of the Kitchen. And my guest host is none other than Darius T. Williams of Everyday Cookin', so you know it's going to be an awesome show.

Please be sure to tune in tonight, same time (10PM EST), same place (Blog Talk Radio). We're a fun bunch AND the chat room will, no doubt, be full of crazies and lunatics. As usual!

*smooches...happy that MNF will no longer interfere with my show*
'cause I love football and all (GO GIANTS!!), but it was totally stealing my audience.


Dave Van Buren said...

uummm is adopting your show tax deductible? I need some tips.. lol

The F_Uitlist said...

I will be there tonight, food shows rock.

Darrius don't go cussing me out about that Sazon. Its my hubby's fault, I will send it out this week. PROMISE

12kyle said...

Why are the great ones hated on? *sigh*


Unknown said...

you can put me up as back up... in case someone reneges..