Saturday, January 03, 2009

One Day, She'll Be President Of Uruguay

Or at least that's her goal.

It seems like just yesterday she looked like this:

(me n her circa 1984)

And now, she looks like this:

(me n her circa 2008)


PS- in case you forgot how crazy she is... peep this video:

*smooches...feeling lucky to have such a sister in my life*
even if she does drive me up the wall sometimes!


The Jaded NYer said...

you might need to turn up the volume on the video... I made that clip with my phone! HA!

JACK said...

Happy B-day!!! I fell in love with you when you said, "if he say politics is local one more time ...." or some semblance thereof. So I really mean it - HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Make it a good one!

clnmike said...

Happy Birthday to her.

Marielys said...

OMG I knew this video would come back to haunt me! When I move, you move...haha..Thanks Jack (even though it bothers me that I have to call you Jack- I know your secret- lol)...
thanks Mike!

and special thanks to Raquel, for treating me like a guinea pig in her search for the cure of the Crazy-itis that I have...or simply exploiting my condition on her blog, I love you lots and lots and one day, when I get my blog up and running, it's on!

and PS- Garcia in 2020 (in Uruguay, duh?)

Green said...

happy b-day

Green said...

happy b-day

Eb the Celeb said...

lmao @ that vid

Anonymous said...

AWWW Ya'll SO Cute Together!

JACK said...

Honey, *I* call me JACK. Keep it cute.