Friday, February 27, 2009

Dulce Independencia

Today is Independence Day in the Dominican Republic.

And I will be celebrating in Washington Heights AKA Little DR

This guy, who's in all the videos, Fernandito Villalona, will be performing at another venue in The Heights,

But I won't be able to make it to that party.

Other merengue and bachata greats will be performing in various spots in The Heights, too, like Toño Rosario,

Hector Acosta,

and Los Rosario

The party I'm going to will have bachateros Xtreme.

Which leads me to wonder: If all these awesome musicians are here... who's performing in Santo Domingo?

*besos...orgullosamente Dominicana*
Ojala que disfrutes de su fin de semana... son los deseos de La Jaded NYer y todas Las Voces quevive en ella.


Dave Van Buren said...

*wishing I could understand spanish*


Unknown said...

like they say
there are more dominicans in NYC then in the Dominican Republic!

Happy indy day


Marielys said...

Kinda the most awesome day to be Dominican! I will be going to a Dominican Indy event tomorrow in DC! We are everywhere- kinda like roaches but not as menacing ;-)

Anonymous said...

If you could find a way to bring me some Dominican food that isn't loaded in fat, I would appreciate it.

*Looking forward to the day I can celebrate "Castro's Dead Day"!

Anonymous said...

wooottttt!!! Loves IT!

Tanto La Quiero que salgo a la calle sonambulo, Tanto la quiero que ya la razon la perdi

MAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNN I adore Fernandito so. moishe!!!

Anonymous said...

*sigh* I can even deal with Xtreme even though they look in the words of Bryanboy like "faggotry in motion"

The Jaded NYer said...

@super dave-

you'll get the gist of it from there

@brother omi- *waving flag* YOU KNOW IT!!!!!!

@mari- it is a great day to be Dominican. But then again, when isn't it??

@irene- Dominican food not loaded in fat?? wow... you just sent me on Mission: Impossible!! lol

And LMAO @ Castro's Dead Day!!! If you ask me, that fool kicked the bucket ages ago, they're just not telling us! hahaha

Anonymous said...

tell me they do not look like they moisturize with CUM several times a day and do their eyebrows.....

with wax?

The F_Uitlist said...

Happy Independence Day! Ooh and you are going to the Heights, yummy yum food!

I will make a stop by my local DR restaurant this evening just for some good eats (and because I don't want to cook :) and in your honor.