Monday, February 16, 2009

My Brain Is A-fluttering Again

And the best way to deal with a fluttering brain is to just let it spill its contents.

Are YOU The King/Queen Of Movie Quotes?
One of my twitter folk claimed to be the King of Movie Quotes, but he couldn't even identify a simple, recurring quote from the movie Clerks by Kevin Smith! What a fraud! So, who wants his crown... plus a copy of The Black List audio book? Visit Stranger Than Fiction and email me your answers- I'm closing comments over there so that no one can copy off of each other's paper!

3D Ritmo De Vida On Monday Musings
UPDATE-- TONIGHT'S SHOW CANCELED... I'M EXPERIENCING TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES (translation: Blog Talk Radio is acting a damn fool) But I WILL be back next week... Promise!!
I interviewed this cat Michael Tate from the band 3D Ritmo De Vida for Latin Pulse Music a while ago, and since they just dropped a new CD, Que Siga La Rumba, I invited him on the show to talk about it.

Make sure you tune in; I'll play a few songs off the album and pick Michael's brain just for you!

I'm A Bad Dominican
I completely forgot about Dominican Independence Day on the 27th and didn't even know that New York State has a Dominican Heritage Month from January 26 to February 25, ruining my chances for this feature story on Dominicans I'm working on from getting any interest from the local press. Did y'all know NYS had a Dominican Heritage Month?? Well, I didn't. Why didn't anybody TELL me?? And now the Dominican Caucus might revoke my Quisqueya Card... they're reviewing my file right this minute... wish me luck!

K-Ci And JoJo Are Brothers?
WORD? Why didn't anyone tell me? I just thought they were two crackheads in a band. Bothers? Really? But one is so skinny and the other is so...not! Genetics is funny that way I guess...

The Jaded Online Store
I'm still working on it. Or rather still planning on working on it. Promise.

I have the logo tees, 2 new calendars, greeting cards I worked on with Jack, the Alaska and W. Virginia tees, another line of tees that The Karrie B gave me an idea for and the very funny "How To Tame A Man" book I wrote for Kate's bachelorette party gift.

Not that anyone has any money to buy any of my shit, but still, if the economy picks up you should have that option. It's only right.

*smooches...trying to be brave for this Sunday's reading in Harlem by not thinking about it*
I will not throw up.
I will not throw up.
I will not throw up.
I will not throw up.
I will not throw up.


clnmike said...

Lol, I used to think K-Ci And JoJo were cousins but I was close.

Anonymous said...

Your tags ae all over the damn place.

And as for Dominican Heritage Month, I didn't think there was that either. I've officially been schooled I guess.

The F_Uitlist said...

I don't do movie quotes. Let me send my friend Kim there, she's the queen of movie quotes.

Now where the heck were you in the 90's that you didnt know that KC and Jo-Jo were brothers, they said it on EVERY show and interview.

I've been waiting for these greeting cards, so make it happen lady!

The Jaded NYer said...

@clnmike- I just thought they were in a band together... never thought they were related

@jose- my tags are a direct reflection of how my brain works lol

@the f$%k it list- I didn't know that about Jodeci- you must be confusing me with someone who had cable while growing up... hahaha

and the greeting cards ar coming... as soon as I find someone who can draw more than just stick figures and doesn't mind getting paid in homemade cupcakes! lol

Unknown said...

didn't know NYS had a dominican heritage month... I learn something new every day

you didn't know K CI and JOJO were brothers? did you know they released several albums for their gospel singing family? oh yeah...

Anonymous said...

woooootttt?? you didn't know them crackheads are blood brothers>??????!?!?!

You shame me

Dave Van Buren said...

Somehow i knew KC and JoJo were related. they must have different fathers..lmao