Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Things That Make Baby Jesus Cry, Vol. 1

  • men wearing fur
  • The Jaded NYer in church
  • when the internet is slow
  • crazy-ass anti-weed commercials from abroad

  • reality TV, especially the ones on VH1
  • Uggs
  • the contents of the Tupperware in the back of my fridge
  • this video: why must i cry

  • my dusty MFA thesis
  • public relations firms
  • FoxNews
  • this recession and its effect on my cupboards
  • the way my new neighbor laughs
  • Elisabeth Hasselbeck
  • the fact that I've only ridden my bike once since I bought it. SHUT. UP. Jack!

*smooches...hoping that you'll be nicer to baby Jesus now that it's Lent*
because really- what kind of heartless bastard makes babies cry?


The Jaded NYer said...

But can I draw your attention to my Theme Songs right quick?!?!

I'm bringing you Christmas in February/March... these Gran Combo songs are traditional holiday house party tunes in EVERY Latino household.

I'm hoping this weird festive mood I'm creating will counteract the tomfoolery that is afflicting the baby Jesus...

Carry on.

"...a comer pastel, a comer lechon..."

Minnie223 said...

Awww Yeah..I remember "why must i cry" the bomb!! That's my Jam.. why must I cry , why must I cry.

Dave Van Buren said...

Just when I forgot about RehDogg you bring him back. I didn't need the visuals of him in the shower, thanks!!

*going to smoke some weed to kill those brain cells*

Anonymous said...

public relations firms?

The Jaded NYer said...

@smarty jones- I didn't want to be the only one tormented by this video so I had to put it up there

@minnie- FIGURES you'd be jamming to this mess LOL

@super dave- the shower scene makes the whole video, man. that's the money shot!

@irene- I have this "friend" that works at a PR firm, and although my "friend" is ever-so-grateful for the paycheck that allows her, er, him, er, them to care for um their family, it's still like going into the ass-crack of hell every morning, Monday to Friday.

At least that's what my "friend" told me.

The F_Uitlist said...

Baby Jesus does not cry for Uggs, they are super comfy even though they look a hot mess.

Why must I cry however is probably one of the reasons he does cry and is def one of the reasons I do.

Yo, I'm coming to get that bike, I could have been all up and over BK. Pack it up MA! (hehe all slang day)

JACK said...

1) That video TOTALLY made me wanna smoke a joint ... or take a hit from a bong. Toke and PASS, nigga!

(White people don't know how to do it right)

2) Does the ride home from BUYING the bike count as the one ride?

Oh, wait - you rode the train with it. Never mind.

3) Now, about this bike ride - did it REALLY happen? You never really did ride it, did you? Dique ONE. HA!

Evy said...

ok I need to kill you Rock. I'm officially addicted to RehDogg. He is sooper-Dope!!!

Evy said...

Speaking of baby j... you gotta love this song girl

The Jaded NYer said...

@the f$%k it list- NOOOOO!! You can't take Bebe... I love her!

@jack- ODIOSO!! just wait til I see you again!

@evy- I'm doing his PR LOL

And I do like that JLG tune, but that video is horrible! hahaha