Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Where Does She Get This From?

My kids... *sigh*

So I'm combing N's hair one morning before school, and we hear K in the kitchen eating ICE CREAM for breakfast!!

ME: That girl is addicted to ice cream. We should send her to Ice Cream Rehab!

At this point I go into my own rendition of Amy Winehouse's "Rehab".

N: I don't know about you, but I think you need to go to singing rehab.

I'm done! Somebody come get this lil heifer out my house!!!

*smooches...wondering if turning them into little mes was the right thing to do*
now they are using their powers against me, just like Jen Yu did to the Jade Fox... damn heifers!


Anonymous said...

*slowly fades*

they serve it RIGHT back to you already!!!

Anonymous said...

LMAO!!!!! Well, I guess you shouldn't have been singing.

clnmike said...

The kids are quick on there feet, lol.

Anonymous said...

Bwahahahahaha! That's my girl!

Dave Van Buren said...

uuummm ice cream. The breakfast of champions!

Anonymous said...

What a way to start a morning. Kids will say and do the darnedest things.

Amber "Bam" Cabral said...

Wow. God forbid the little girl ever becomes lactose intolerant like I did.

I love Ice Cream and can only have a bite or two.



Tiffany S. Jones said...

You know where they get it. You sound like my sister, when they were young, it was cute, now you wanna hit 'em in the mouth, don't you?

JACK said...

N. was ALWAYS my favorite. Now I know why ... she told you right to your face: "mommy, you couldn't carry a tune in A BUCKET"

*hugs N*

The Jaded NYer said...

@qucifer- we should have our own reality show; the ratings would be through the roof!

@a.j. brown- lol I guess not!

@clnmike- a little too quick for my tastes!

@irene- SIDE EYE!!!

@super dave- WHAT? Please do not encourage the ice cream for breakfast... *sigh*

@urban thought- yeah, for some reason my kids were born w/out a filter. I used to think it was cute. Now? Not so much...

@amber- that's actually one of my biggest fears and what keeps me from going vegan-- I just love dairy products way too much. Sorry cows!

@smarty jones- I was tempted to pop her but lets face it... I can't sing... just, you know, she could have been nicer about it.

@jack- see THIS is why we don't live together... as if that child needs a devil on her shoulder... HMPH!