He goes by the name Mariconsuelo and is part of El Vacilon morning show.

He plays this uber-effeminate, lisping, horn-dog gay Latino that is sooooo motherfucking offensive I almost ran on stage to check his non-funny Colombian ass!
And let me tell you- if *I* was offended then you KNOW it was bad. He just kept feeding into the most disgusting and hateful gay stereotypes that just make Latinos so intolerable of homosexuality. And his jokes, even the non-gay-central ones were just BAD. UGH!
I officially loathe him and call an immediate Jaded Boycott of El Vacilon and La Mega in general.
That is all.
*smooches...thinking of becoming the Al Farton of Latinos in NYC*
first step to becoming al- get me a kick ass perm and a bucket o wings... being a pain in the ass is a lot of work!
He must have REALLY been bad if you were offended. Damn!
I don't like corny comedians so if you say boycott...let's boycott his azz!
Ughh..he looks corny. But, on another note, let's boycott LA Mega because Luis Jimenez (the only decent of their past DJs) is now on La Kalle and may I add, La Mega is not online sooo boo to them! Hit up La KAlle online for a better variety of music! They should pay me for them a shameless plug!
See you in two days!!!!!
I'm all for a boycott, its been a long time *dusts off official boycott sharpie and cardboard*
You want me to write a letter? You know thats my thing, maybe I can get you some free tickets.
@12kyle- EXACTLY... the whole time I could feel my face contorting with disgust as my blood pressure started to rise. Good thing he wasn't on for too long 'cause I was ready to burst!
@mari- AWESOME. La Kalle it is because La Mega WILL NEVER get anymore play from me.
@super dave- thanks for joining the efforts, man. Spread the word!
@the f$%k it list- YES, get the letter started. I'll write one, too and we'll get a whole letter writing campaign started.
Dear MARICONSUELO: We're boycottin' your fake-ass, offensive ass!!!
I have no idea who any of these people are.. but I'm down for the boycott!
*i don't usually comment, but I heart your blog =)
@selah- thanks for the love! and yes, tell every and any Latino/a you know to BOYCOTT La Mega until this dude is OFF the air!
Oh snap... I may just have to start a petition...
its ill cause as a youngblood, I grew up on Trespatine... to listen to these fools today, i am like wtf happened.
i stick with NPR...
i have enough excitement in my life
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