Friday, March 27, 2009

I Officially Start My Fitness Training Again This Weekend...

...because I'LL BE DAMNED TO HELL FOR ALL ETERNITY if 63-year-old Helen Mirren looks like this in a bikini:

and I look like this:

Jesus take the wheel.

*smooches...throwing out the last of my Reese's Pieces in the trash*
I will not look grosser than a great-grandmother... I will not look grosser than a great-grandmother... I will NOT look grosser than a great-grandmother!!!


Tiffany S. Jones said...

It's official, you have snapped! I do commend you for putting yourself out there like that. I don't see the problem. If I were to take my pick like that, I'd have more rolls than a bakery up in here.
Well, maybe not that many. Not even one anymore, I've been working out. Well not this week but you get the picture, dammit!
I say jump on the bandwagon. If you stay on my ass to work out, I'll stay on yours!

Anonymous said...

Your straight, trust me. lol

But do what makes you happy and confident.

The F_Uitlist said...

The weather is starting to break, and you have two kids and a bike, There's your motivation, running behind them in the park on the weekends, instead of watching Girlfriends.

So get to it, Prospect Park is a hop skip and train ride away.

Anonymous said...

Welcome to my world. I am hoping that you will secretly become addicted to exercise and we can take over the fitness world together!


Ok..I am starting to crack.

I am gonna start taking my bike out next month. How about Sunday mornings I meet you by Prospect Park and we do a few laps in the park with the other bike-heads?

Reina said...

Chica, you're hilarious. Helen Mirren is otherwordly. She and Ellen Barkin are both just aliens.

Kelly said...

I commend you for finding whatever motivation you can to get yourself exercising. Been trying to do what myself.

So far, the comforts of home and the couch have won more days than not.

But keep this in mind ... Helen Mirren has a whole hell of a lot more money than either of us. She's got the dough for the equipment and the trainers and the gyms and the home-delivered healthy meals and whatever else it takes to look like she does.

If I even one financial bracket below her, I'd be pretty buff and toned myself.

911 said...

They've got cosmetic surgery at their beck and call. Be happy for your natural beauty which you have in abundance. Peace.

JACK said...

I don't appreciate your mocking me for not exercising on a regular basis like I said I would by posting about how you're getting back on your fitness routine - I can read between the lines, dammit!

(oh wait - this wasn't about ME?)

Anonymous said...

Hey Lady!!

I'll be back in action come Monday. I'm just lazy when it comes to excercise. It annoys me, but ummmmmm....Helen Mirren's abs looking like THAT and mine looking like ...well I'll spare you the details...IS NOT A GOOD LOOK!

and1grad said...

So...did you start it?

Maternal Mirth said...

Helen Mirren is my hero...