Thursday, April 30, 2009

Celibacy Still Intact, Dammit

The following is based on a text message conversation with Jack on 4/27/09:

JACK: you know you can't keep claiming celibacy anymore now, right?

Yes I can! There was no orgasm or full-on activities, just a sampling of the goods

Considering those prerequisites, you've actually been celibate longer than you've claimed.

*smooches...mad as hell...because he's right*
and right there is one of the reasons why I became celibate; just kept running into dudes with no skills who, in all actuality, were beneath me (and not in a good way)!


Dave Van Buren said...

lol.. you just being too picky.

Muze said...

hahaa. wish i could say i wasn't part of the club, but i am. boooo.

Anonymous said...

I'm part of the club and I am married.


Tiffany S. Jones said...

LMAO!!! Your convos with Jack are hella funny! You should record those and make some money like what Oprah and Gayle does on XM.

Mo said...

and when will the J&J sitcom be premiering?