Tuesday, April 07, 2009

For A Measly $30, I'll Be Your Best Friend

First: We got our snaps and bongos on on Monday Musings- National Poetry Month brought out some real talent! I know you missed it, so here's the link (click here) to hear original work from my co-host Eb the Celeb, faithful listener Smarty Jones, Darius T. Williams and yours truly! Do it now!!

I want to see this documentary on Juan Bosch at Lincoln Center (see info here) but as you read last week... I is po'.

Like searching through the couch for spare change, selling off prize possessions, hocking my one good piece of jewelry worth any money po'.

But I really, really, really want to see this documentary. Like, really.

So here's where YOU come in.

How about you treat me to the movies? Huh? Huh?

I get to see the film, and you get to spend time with me. It's a win-win situation.

What say you?

*smooches...pimping out my greatness for movie tickets*
it is officially a recession when my friendship is for sale. I'm afraid of what's coming next...


The F_Uitlist said...

Poor baby! Things will change and no selling friendship to random people you might get into something you can't get out.

Don't you watch to catch a Predator!

Tiffany S. Jones said...

BUHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Yes, you must watch To Catch a Predator. I was thinking more along the lines of Jim Carrey in The Cable Guy. Either way, it never ends well. And $30? That's a lil' too cheap isn't it? I know a couple of chicks who offer way more than that for $25.
I'm just saying, know your market. ;)

The Jaded NYer said...

Ladies- there seems to be some misunderstanding... the $30 is for my movie ticket. the person paying would accompany me to said film and then we part ways afterwards. No "happy endings" or anything.

As long as I still remember how to say, "You want fries with that?" I will never be offering happy endings. EVER!!! lol

Unknown said...

if i lived in NYC you would have been good...
