I'm really proud of how many segments I've hosted so far, and love all the effort my co-hosts have put into their appearances. I've had some real Smarty McSmarties on the show and it's really enriched this experience for me.
BY THE WAY: Tonight's segment will be celebrating National Poetry Month!! Eb the Celeb will be in the hizz-ous, hopefully spitting some hot fiyah that'll have us all snapping with delight.

But I also want you all to call in and tell us about your favorite poet and why? Maybe even read a poem on the air? C'mon... don't be shy!
Of course I'm still navigating my way through this radio hosting gig, but I feel that with every segment I get better and better, and the topics I choose are ones I'm naturally curious about, so it works.
Now I'm ready to take it to the next level, as in, I'm ready to spread the word and really have this show take off. Unlike this blog, which I'd rather keep small and intimate and ad-free, I want Monday Musings to be a real launchpad towards total media domination, and I realize that that may require me to advertise more AND offer advertising opportunities during the broadcast.
But, as with any radio or TV show, I can't sell ad space if the numbers aren't there. No one will pay to play a commercial on my show if only 5 people are listening and my show doesn't get high ratings.
Yes, ratings. I just realized that Blog Talk Radio has an option for listeners to rate the shows they listen to. And I need high ratings to get this show on the road.
That's where you come in. If you listen to the segments, please rate them. If you like what you hear add my show to your favorites. If you feel like what I've said has touched your very soul and others need to be touched, too, then please, by all means, SPREAD THE WORD.
I don't usually make pleas like this but since I've turned my back on writing I need something to keep me warm at night. And since it ain't a man, it might as well be Monday Musings.
Can the church say, Amen?
*smooches...hoping for your full support*
not that I doubt my peoples will come through for me. I know there's love for me out there.
I cant spit hawt fire like Dylan but I'll do my best...lol
I'll be on tonight for a bit, its my early week in the office and I have to get some sleep.
sorry i missed it
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