If you remember this show was supposed to happen a while back before Easter, but my host went MIA. But I really wanted to cover this segment, so I sought out a man of the cloth to fill in!

Pastor Montagne McDonald of Seed of Abraham Church in Nashville, TN is my co-host for tonight, and I bet you're wondering how I'd know such a person... the World Wide Web, bitchezzzz! I listen to his BTR show, Dropping Seeds Radio, whenever I'm home on Saturdays.
It's really good and the discussion is always very interesting; he definitely gets the Jaded NYer seal of approval- feel free to check them out!
You ever know that there is something you HAVE to do, but the results of that action could potentially bring your life as you know it to a halt? But if you didn't do it, if you decided to take the coward's way out, the guilt of not manning up would kill you slow?
UGH! Life can suck monkey balls right now for all I care!
The Neti Pot Adventures
N and I tried out the neti pot on Sunday to successful results. And by successful I mean neither of us choked on the saline solution nor did we have to call 911.
See for yourself on the videos below:
In this one, N uses it. Before me! That girl is my ride or die baby... she goes HARD!
In this one I finally try it. Seriously this is an angle of my face you've never really wanted to see. I apologize in advance for the nightmares.
Lazy Sundays
I believe the temperature was in the 80s in Brooklyn yesterday, which means inside my apartment it was 105.
So I'm really glad I went
One, I was still sore from Saturday's workout. Two, I was still sleepy from being out late on Friday. And three I was still sore from Saturday's workout.
I May Take A Page From Michael's Book...
And start wearing a face mask, what with all this swine flu shit going around. Kinda makes you rethink your position on that border wall, right? Don't front, you were thinking it!
I swear to GOD- let one nasty-ass mofo even THINK ABOUT sneezing in my direction and he will get a full, recyclable water bottle right to the temple. I ain't playin with y'all...
I mean really- SWINE FLU? This is what will take us out, some stupid ol' swine flu? See why I don't even eat that shit?
*smooches...really suspicious of everyone's germs right now*
I ALMOST don't want to leave my house...
N is a good camera person...
Wooohoooo!!! It takes a lot of nerve to do the Neti pot but it's also amazing how used to it you get once you start.
You are two brave, brave women for putting that on video. But I'm glad you did, so other people can see that it's not that bad.
So, how're the allergies treating you? Breathing any better?
LMAO @ Irene
OK, so, how are you breathing now? Ya'll are soooo extra talking about how nasty it is. I thought boogers were gonna come flying out or something. You guys did a great job, I'm glad you decided to do it.
I'm glad your baby is ride or die! You need to keep doing so you can see if it really works!
I coughed abuot 5 times on the train this morning and everyone was staring at me! LMBAO!! I'm still eating swine! I won't stop! A few year's ago it was Mad Cow then Bird Flu! If I have to go out then let it be with a piece of Maple flavored bacon in my mouth!!
@brother omi- almost too good... she scares me LOL
@kelly & smarty jones- I was already feeling better, but I plan to use the pot on a regular basis to see if it will allow me to breathe at 100% this summer
@irene- c'mon... you know you want to try it... all the cool kids are doing it...
@shelly- I do plan to keep using it. now that I'm no longer afraid of it there's no reason not to.
Those videos are funny!
I'm just going to stick with my good old saline spray, it hasn't failed me yet.
I really enjoy your blog, I think you are hilarious! I'm a newbie!
About that swine flu shit, I'm just thankful I don't work at the airport anymore!
@the f$%k it list- I'm surprised you don't use a neti pot!
@why.not?- welcome, welcome, welcome! I hope you enjoy your stay in Jaded-Land :D
Nope not a fan. I tried it once and that was enough for me. It wasn't bad but I had an issue with the dripping out the other side.
this is what happens when you give a dominican a neti pot...
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