Saturday, May 09, 2009

Musical Interlude...

While I bask in my technology-free vacation, please enjoy these rockin tunes I've rediscovered while cleaning up my room:

No Pressure Over Cappuccino - Alanis Morissette

Don't Lose My Number - Phil Collins

Peace of Mind - Lauryn Hill

Contra La Corriente - SkeletorMarc Anthony

Wipeout - The Fat Boys feat. The Beach Boys

All Of You - Diana Ross & Julio Iglesias (don't judge me!)

Algo De Mi - Camilo Sesto (again... no judgements!)

None Of Your Business - Salt n Pepa (Hey Cathi... remember this???)
Salt - N - Pepa - None of Your Business

You're Never Fully Dressed Without A Smile - Cast of Annie(1982)

Love You Down (crunk cover WOOP WOOP) - Inoj

*smooches...looking forward to more time for me*
not sure what I'll do with my free time, but I know it will be nice.



Darius T. Williams said...

Great tunes indeed - enjoy your vacay!

JACK said...

re: skeletor


Eb the Celeb said...

your musically tastes are so all over the place but I love it!