Thursday, May 28, 2009

This Is Why I'm Hot...

The following is based on a phone conversation with a male friend:

HIM: So what are you doing?

ME: Lying on the couch resting my uterus.

HIM: You know what? This conversation is over...

*smooches...wondering why dudes get so squeamish about menstruation*
it's a natural, biological function that every woman, EVEN YOUR MOMMA, goes through. accept it and move on!


12kyle said...

we dont wanna talk about it because the periods are nasssssty!!! i been with mrs12 for damn near 15 yrs and i still hate lookin at that mess. but you know my motto about's better to see em than to NOT see em. lmao!!!

12kyle said...

btw...haven't been ova here in a minute. feels good to be back. just saw yo pic on twitter. had the twinz owt 4 tha bday, huh?


i'm gone

The Jaded NYer said...

@12kyle- it's not nasty... ok, maybe a lil! lol

and YES I dressed up for my bday. AND?

@shellyshell- I'm not sure what you're laughing at *side eye*

Anonymous said...

Yes, my menstruation is due to start tomorrow.

clnmike said...

Conversation over?

Hell thats the opening line for me.