Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I Hate That This Bugs Me

C has the babies for the next three weeks, and today on FB he posted pics from a festival he took them to this weekend, with his fiance, of course.

Well some trick-ass-bitch saw a pic of the four of them together and was all like "Your family is so beautiful" and honestly it took all I had NOT to come back with "BITCH- THOSE ARE MY FUCKING KIDS!!!"

I need to work that out.

I mean, I let her come to N's birthday party last year and I let her come to K's graduation a few weeks ago, but I hope this bitch is not putting on airs and claiming MY FAMILY as hers.

And yes, I know she can't help what somebody else commented but FUCK THAT! I DON'T LIKE PEOPLE PLAYING WITH MY KIDS!

*smooches...wondering how many hours of therapy it will take to cure me*
'cause this kind of crazy I have, man, I doubt it's in the textbooks...

and PS- can we please talk about how, YET AGAIN, N is posing like she was raised in the Stuy circa 1983?


Jose Vilson said...

No wonder Alanis Morissette is all up on the sidebar.

But seriously, you deserve to be a bit angry at least.

ShellyShell said...

Uhh yeah. I was going to say something about N's stance...once again! Does she have a hat on backwards too? LMBAO!!

I think it's understandable that you'd feel some kind of way about that. But I'm sure he'd feel the same way if he saw a man with you and your kids! I think it's something you just have to work out! You'll be alright...:)

Anonymous said...

Dang luv....whoo.


Evy said...


Anonymous said...

who does N think she is???

That's what I want to know

clnmike said...

OK than........have a nice day.

Anonymous said...

Uh, yeah, you're just gonna have to get over that. When they get married they ARE going to be a family. You just have to accept that. I know its tough, but really, that's life. Suck it up little soldier. Stiffen up that upper lip.

Anonymous said...


Look at my comment on his pic...I got your back! LOL!

Marielys said...

girl, i am glad that you felt the same way that I did when I saw it. I debated over posting anything. I don't think that they will necessarily be 'family' because he marries her but you will have to adjust. Like many, the bigger concern is my niece turned into a gangster...i think it's the Brooklyn effect. It is time for a good ol' DC summer intervention ;-)

The Jaded NYer said...

@jose- thanks for reminding me to update the tunes

@shellyshell- yo, I think she's in a gang... what do I do? lol

@linden & evy& clnmike- y'all know how I get

@qucifer- this is like the 4th picture I see of her lately where she's all mean-muggin and jail posing. WTF?

@irene- *HUGS* I love that comment... subtle but good. I almost responded to your comment but decided to leave it alone lol

@mari- um...in what kind of twisted bizarro land will going to DC for the summer cure N's ghetto-tastic tendencies?

Dave Van Buren said...

The commenter might not know better.

Your daughter is Gangsta, hat to the side and everything. Give her dap for me.. lmao

The F_Uitlist said...

N is so funny! Maybe she's the baby Dave Chappelle said he saw on the corner hahaha.

I understand your feelings because I'd be pissed too. but you gotta let it go because its some random person of FB.

Urban Thought said...

Being angry is natural. Just don't let the kids see that and it will be all good.