My love affair with the beach and the sun and the shore is in my blood; I may have been born on THIS island, but that OTHER island calls to me all the time. With it's clear waters, clean sand, fresh seafood, guava trees.
Me llama todos los dias con una bella cancion romantica...

I pray for the day when DR gets it's electricity issues sorted out. I will give NYC the DEUCES so fast, y'all don't even know.
Deseo cubrirme en la sabana de mi isla, mi Quisqueya, mi refugio del mundo...
This summer, my one goal (besides ensuring that I can pay my bills and all that) is to go to DR. Even if it's by myself. I need it so bad I can taste it. I need to be there, be peaceful, be doted on, be near Grandma, dip my feet in my waters, lay on my sand, eat my fresh seafood and pick guavas off my tree.
Uno de estos días me voy y nadie sabrá hasta que ya he desaparecido...
That's the only thing I can see right now; fuck everything else. I want to go home.
*smooches...looking at flights everyday like a fiend*
in the meantime, NYC area beaches will have to suffice. enjoy your weekend!
It will all come together and you will be telling us to hate on your from home. The tickets now are surprisingly low, maybe your momma can give you some of her Obama money and send you and the kids home :)
Have fun at the beach tomorrow!!! I am sure there will be pictures.
happy w/end, beautiful Rocky.
DR sounds most dashing.
ps, i have the opposite situation.
my baby (3 y/o has decided she's blonde (lite skin/white) and im brown)
miss u much.
@the f$%k it list- after I figure out the logistics I'm on the first flight out w/just a carry-on and my passport
@-1- miss you, too, love. Seems a lot of my faves don't update as much anymore or even at all *sad face*
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