Monday, September 21, 2009

CLEARLY I'm No Expert On Relationships...

...but I'll play one on the [BlogTalk] radio tonight on Monday Musings w/The Jaded NYer & Friends. That's right, tonight's topic is "Mars Vs. Venus Part 2: We're In A Relationship...Now What?"

After the fierce Jerry Springer-like segment we did earlier this year, I decided a Part 2 was needed. I mean we fought over all the bullshit men and women have to go through just do have a steady partner, it's only fitting that we discuss what to do once you have that partner.

My co-hosts include NYC Blogger The F$%k-It List and representing the CHI are the homies from Brothers' Blog... this should make for an INTERESTING episode...

And trust that I will be taking notes during the show so maybe I can land me my next ex-husband/baby daddy before I turn 40...

*smooches...currently taking applications for the next Mr. Penzo*
what? see y'all think I'm playing but I'm not...


Anonymous said...

Woohoo! More chat room silliness awaits!

Tiffany S. Jones said...

Oh hell, if all you're looking for is an ex-husband or a babydaddy, I got tons of hook-ups for those and they're cute too, so you can add to the cuteness factor of your existing brood.
Just remember, they ain't shit. *picks up cell phone to find the 'ain't shit' list*

Brothers Blog said...

Can't wait this should be fun. Just make sure Irene is banned from any contests/give a ways. lol.

juju angeles said...

Hahahah... i need to check out the archives from the first one, so i can be all caught up

The F_Uitlist said...

Wait I'm co-hosting?????

I kid I kid.

I will be there 9:59 sharp with my bells on.

12kyle said...

oh...i'll definitely be there tonight! gonna need some testosterone. and i'm sure that i'll piss f$%k it list off! hahahaha