Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Great Show + Latino Heritage Month = A Happy Jaded NYer

Soooooooooo... I'm thrilled to report that last night's season premiere of Monday Musings w/The Jaded NYer & Friends went off without a hitch! Mari & I were on point with our discussion on Latino Heritage Month (September 15th to October 15th), we had wonderful callers and as usual the chatroom was... well... y'all know how it goes down in the chatroom.

At one point Irene demanded to see Chief Justice Sotomayor's birth certificate and I almost fell out of my seat. SHENANIGANS, I tell ya!

But I want to point out a few things from the show for those that missed it (download the podcast here): we had representatives from two amazing non-profit organizations on the show that I want to bring to your attention.

First, Emerita Torres of The New Latino Movement, a grassroots organization that helps mobilize Latinos on civic efforts throughout the country.

Then we had Frank Cohn of Global Potential, a program that empowers underprivileged youths in the US by teaching them how to be leaders and entrepreneurs who bring about social change through community service.

BOTH VERY WORTHWHILE CAUSES and I urge you all to get involved!!

Next, I want to encourage you to pick up the book, Black Behind the Ears: Dominican Racial Identity from Museums to Beauty Shops by Ginetta Candelario, a fellow Dominicana that Mari had the pleasure of meeting at Cornell.

Now with that said, I want to congratulate Irene for winning almost ALL of the prizes during the broadcast, but also wanted to give you blog readers an opportunity to win stuff, too. SO- the first commenter to answer these trivia questions correctly will win a Jaded By Association Tshirt; the second runner up gets the newest academic calendar designed by your truly!

Trivia Question #1: Mexico… Cortes has a famous palace in this Central Mexican City...

Trivia Question #2: Chile… Chile is divided into regions, how many are there?

And finally, I'd like to shout out the various Latino/a bloggers (and sites) out there that I frequent, and if I missed anyone PLEASE add your blog in the comments section; I like to support my peoples:

Jack's Gay Chronicles
The Jose Vilson
Brother Omi
Earned Relevance
Quisqueya's World
Reina's Song
Rock in the Ocean
Latina Beauty Blog
Juju The Poet
Sofrito For Your Soul
Liberators of Hip Hop
Confesiones de la Loca
Latino Review
Culture Kitchen

You've got a lot of reading to do... so get to it!

Me? I have an entire 30-days of activities associated with this month-long celebration to keep me busy, so don't you worry 'bout what I'M gonna be doing... nosy-ass heifers!

Happy Latino Heritage Month!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*smooches...urging you to hug a Latino/a from 9/15 to 10/15*
and even though I have a strict DON'T TOUCH ME policy, I won't even be mad if it's me you choose to hug...


Nina said...

Trivia # 2:Chile is divided into three regions..the Northern Desert,the Central Valley and Archipelogo. Great show last night even though I only heard the last half hour of it.You and your co-host/lil sister,Mari,were fabulous.The chatroom well there isn't a word to describe that behavior butit was entertaining and worthwhile esp.Ms.Irene.Felicidades and que Viva la Raza Latina!!

The Jaded NYer said...

Nina- Thanks so much for tuning in and YES there are no words for the chatroom craziness.

(and I love you to death but the Chile answer is incorrect... try again!!)

12kyle said...

dammmit! i forgot about the show. gotta set a reminder.

i'll make sure that i call in, too. LMAO!!!!

dipsetjam said...

Great show !!!!

And I knew one of the trivia questions. Too bad I got a crazy cough. :(

Anonymous said...


So, remember...

Irene gets one t-shirt.
F$It List gets the mug.
And miss Smarty gets my other t-shirt.

We are waiting...


I feel bad though. I was was having so much fun in the chat room that I was barely listening to the show itself.

I'm gonna have to visit the replay.

JuJuthePoet said...

#1 is Cuernavaca
and # 2 is 15 regions

-give me my prize :)

JuJuthePoet said...

Oh and that book by Candelario explains how dominicans thinks of blackness; it is not as blatant as calling us racist, but it is also- i dunno how i feel about it quite yet

i love the salon piece...

The Jaded NYer said...

@12kyle- that's ALWAYS your excuse... I don't even check for you anymore lol

@dipsetjam- thanks for your support!

@irene- yes yes yes- I will order everything this week & distribute as soon as possible. LADIES- send me your sizes, OK?

@juju- YAY!!! You win a Jaded Tshirt!!!! Send me your size & I'll get it to you ASAP!

and I'll have to pick up that book... it smells like controversy & I LOVE controversy lol

TO EVERYONE ELSE: The contest is closed. No one gets the calendar. I'll save it for another time...

Tiffany S. Jones said...

I enjoyed the show last night. Blame and1grad and Irene for the chat room shenanigans. I just watched it. :-P

The Jaded NYer said...

@smarty- thanks hon! I really appreciate your support on this (and ALL of my crazy endeavors) so much!!

Unknown said...

man, a publishing company has to hire you, everytime I come here i have to buy another dang book
