Wednesday, September 30, 2009


During a short warning/conversation I had with the babies prior to visiting Eb the Celeb's church earlier this month:

ME: And tomorrow in church limit yourself to one eye roll

N: What? But it's a Black church! How can you only roll your eyes once?

*smooches...never surprised by what comes out of that child's mouth
cameras really need to follow her around all day everyday!


Tiffany S. Jones said...

I CAN NOT with your baby!

Marielys said...

oh my boogie. I swear she is truly my child ;-) But I'm saying...she ain't lying HAHA. At least give her three

Anonymous said...

Man..only one eye roll? So, after we enter, what do I do then?

The F_Uitlist said...

HAHA this kid is a mess. I agree with your sis though, she gets at least 3 eye rolls just not during the sermon.

Rich Fitzgerald said...

Kids always speak truth. Gotta love 'em.

Love Is Dope said...

Ha! I love her! So young, so snarky. :)

JACK said...

I'm buying her a pony, that's it!

The Jaded NYer said...

@everyone- I'm not sure if I approve of y'all approving of her behavior!