It's a beautiful thing to be a parent of a grown child, to see them develop into these wonderfully intelligent, self-assured and independent ladies who will surely rule the planet (under El Generalissimo's tutelage, of course) one day.
Still, part of me misses that little baby that needed my body for nourishment, that slept every night tucked into the nook my body made just for her, that giggled with pure heavenly delight at the mere mention of me eating her belly. I miss all of that.
And while I have no intention of bringing another child into this world under my current circumstances, you already know... if the stars align and I become a Mrs. there will be more Jaded babies.
Because these...

...were beautiful days that I'd love to have again.
*smooches...for the ladies that help me realize what's important in life*
When I'm gone, I hope they know it was all for them, so that they could be and do it all.
Why yes, I'm still PMSing... why do you ask?
Ahhh, it ain't all its cracked up to be.
But I do love the hugs.'re lookin for anutha seed? Hmmmm. I can send Brandon to you. He'll get in the bed with you, too. I know this b/c I keep kickin him outta my bed. He's not new...he's 2 and would be a perfect fit b/c he's a Jaded Baby. LOL.
adorable. she does have a heart haha. gosh you just made my ovaries wake up and now they want babies *resists the urge*. Love you!
@irene- the hugs are the best. The good news is I still get those!
@12kyle- aww let that baby sleep with you! You're gonna miss it when he's older, watch!
@mari- if you have a baby then I won't have to. Just sayin...
Aww! How adorable!
*ignores the pleas of her uterus to put it to work*
i've decided that in 2010, i shall be preggo.
*looks over hubby applications*
what cutesies they were!!
Aww look at those little ones. They were too cute.
So since @12kyle's son is so far away I am going to send CJ to cuddle with you. He's good at it, but he's never slept with his parents when he was well so uhm you might not be able to send him back. DEAL?
@reina- that uterus is only going to get louder and louder and LOUDER lol
@muze- any of those applicants have older brothers in NYC?
@the f$%k it list- you know CJ and I will be just fine so send him!
Soooooooo, everyone is just gonna ignore N's backwards visor/baby thug pose? Okay, I see how it is...
Muze?! O_o
Jaded my ovaries are shrieking at the last one in the picture booth. Now I have to calm them down and tell them why I cannot provide a nommable fetus for them right now. Thanks a LOT!
@gem- that's N, our little HAM. she does things like that in every photo. At one point she went through a phase where she'd pose with CRAZY eyes. Now she's doing thug poses. *sigh* it never ends...
PS- you're welcome for the shrieking ovaries. It's MY pleasure. Tell Crabby I said so, too! lol
I see from that third pic that N has always been a mess... bwhahahaahahahah... I love it! She is def going to be that chick that everyone says is "the life of the party"can wait til she's a teen so I can see you grown a million gray hairs
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