Monday, October 12, 2009

New Babies, New Monday Musings Episode, Same Jaded (But Not Really)

Hello, hello, hello!!

How was everyone's week and weekend? Mine was pretty busy, stressful, crazy and tiring. But in a good way. It really helped to not have to worry about updating the blog every night, so much so that I almost forgot to update it today!

No worries, though- I always try to keep my word as much as humanly possible.

Here's some of what's been happening in my world since we last spoke:

New Babies
While at the mall buying N some shoes, I overhear the cashier say something about "free netbooks" so my nosy ass was all like WHERE??? See, now that I work from home K & I are constantly in each others' face about needing the computer. My solution was to get a netbook but of course the funds weren't there. Enter this cashier and her tall tales of "free netbooks."

Turns out Verizon was having a weekend sale- upgrade to or purchase a Blackberry Tour and get a free HP netbook (w/VZ service, of course!). I've been toying with the idea of getting a BB since I'm freelancing now, but was going to wait until Christmas. However, this deal was too good to be true. I took it as a sign and told myself: "If it's too much money then just walk away and go back to your original plan."

But after speaking it through with a great Verizon rep (my new BFF, Colin) I chose an option that works well with my current budget and lifestyle. That said, say hello to Phillip:

And Joshua II:

We are also looking to adopt a wireless all-in-one printer by Christmas, so if you hear of anything hook a sistah up!

New Monday Musings Episode
Do you like food? How about cupcakes? How about food AND cupcakes delivered to your door??

Then you might want to tune in to Monday Musings tonight, because Darius T. Williams of Everyday Cookin' is BACK to talk food n recipes and CUPCAKES!

Oh, you didn't know he started his own cupcake business in Chicago? See, that's why you need to tune in... that and the fact that a LUCKY caller will win some of these yummy cupcakes and even a home cooked meal*. And all you have to do is tune in...

Same Jaded (But Not Really)
Remember when I was talking about being open to re-marrying and having more kids? Right, well maybe I need to specify that I have not gone soft and I'm not looking to shack up with just ANYONE. I was just saying that instead of being all mean n shit I would actually welcome that "L word" into my life if it presented itself in a manner I found attractive and suitable.

All others need not apply.

This is real a departure from the OLD Jaded that would just be with someone to say she had someone without thinking of the long-term. And that's what's NEW; I'm taking the LONG-TERM into consideration: will you fit into my life? Will I fit into yours? Will I wake up one day wanting to stab you in the throat? Will my tantrums cause you to add strychnine to my whiskey in frustration? All legitimate questions that run through my head these days.

So please excuse me if my celibacy stays intact for longer than expected... all of a sudden my priorities have changed...

*smooches...gettin' all serious on you*
but whatever; you LOVE it.

*regarding today's contest- the cupcakes are a definite prize; the home-cooked meal is only a prize for callers from NYC because that's where I live and I'm not traveling to you to deliver no stinkin' ass prize.


Eb the Celeb said...

you know I cant with their names but I am soooooo happy my fav latina has come into the 21st century and has a berry... we've already had some splenderific BBM convos and I cant wait for the ones in the future.

You forgot to tell the world how your phone works underground...lolololol

JACK said...

Re: Blackberry: SUKKAAAAAA!

Re: cupcakes ... how this fool lives 5 stops away from me on the red line and my girl in NYC knows about his cupcakes before me?!? Ugh.