Then one day you happen to catch them live and your entire position changes. Their energy, rapport with the crowd and ability to perform their ass of- it all changes your mind. All of a sudden you want to get your hands on everything they've ever recorded and you need to know all the words and lets face it- you want to be this artist's BFF.
That's what happened to me when I saw Estelle in concert on Friday.

And if you've never witnessed her awesomeness in person, get on that post haste.
Estelle had something that I covet so badly- stage presence. Well, that and a killer body and a great voice, but mostly it's the stage presence I'd like to steal from her.
When I envisioned myself as a writer, I pictured a life similar to Johnny Depp's in Secret Window, except without the murderous psychosis. Okay, maybe a little murderous psychosis, but not a lot. I thought I could just write from a little hideaway in Brooklyn, mail in my work and my agent would handle all the non-creative tasks.
But the deeper I delve into this writing life the more I realize that that is not a possibility. Do you know that I hardly knew what Stephen King looked like until I got older? Or Judy Blume? And I still don't know what the hell Lois Duncan looks like, but all of them made a great living as authors without being in the public eye. Today, however, in order to promote your work and generate interest you have to make the rounds: book store readings, panel discussions, maybe even a morning talk show and weekly magazine pieces.
But whatever happen to the dream of being a recluse? The motto of, "I'd like people to know my name not my face" I created for myself years ago? Is it this new "connected" world we live in? Is it no longer en vogue to hide behind my typewriter in last week's pajamas and last month's funk?
Why must I now think about public readings and networking events where I have to "be seen" and "sell myself" (not like THAT, pervs!). I'm not a boastful person by nature, and if given a choice I'd much rather sit in a corner of my bedroom watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer DVDs on my new netbook than schmoozing with people who may know someone who knows someone who knows someone who'll publish my work and pay me a tidy some for it. Isn't that the agent's job?
I know, I know. I'm being a whiny-faced baby head. I'll stop.
Still, someone help me out here: how do I get my hands on some of Estelle's stage presence? Don't make me snatch a strand of her hair and visit the santero...
*smooches...terrified of being recognized in the crowd*
I don't know about you, but my feeling is- once you stop being able to blend in with your surroundings that's when all the trouble begins...
1) you're REALLY LATE about Estelle. See why you don't skip concerts at Wingate
2) I don't think your being a baby, its important to know how to capture a crowd so they can buy your book and want more of it. And you can still have a private life as a writer I think, unless your book is like Superheads... is there something you need to tell me?
Please stay away from the santero
My personal opinion is that you can't stop the freaks. No matter how famous you become, no matter how much you blend in with your surroundings, your rabid fans will find you.
There are still examples of being able to produce without having to be in the limelight. There's a famous author (John Irving? Philip Roth?) who was a renowned recluse but his works were still well known and read.
There are also different ways of putting yourself out there and/or getting recognized. The Red Tent won its acclaim mainly through word of mouth, not through the author or the agent pushing it and being out there. That new movie, Paranormal? It only got wide release after the producers put it on the internet and it gained viral viewership.
This is how I feel about seeing Amel Larrieux live. She lives in NY and performs there often, so next time she does I EXPECT TO SEE YOU THERE. AND A TYPED REPORT IN MY INBOX AFTERWARD. AND FRIED GARLIC TOFU.
I had the same dream, of being a bawse ass author who was unknown, Stephen King style. I let go of it though. Anyways, you can still do it, as the others have mentioned. Except I will be one of the people to recognize you and writhe on the floor of the bookstore you do signings in.
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