Monday, October 26, 2009

Things To Do In NYC This Week If You Wanna Remain Friends

#1- Tune in to Monday Musings as the lovely Claudia Mejia Heffner of Latina Beauty Blog tells you how to keep your skin healthy and protected this season and beyond. I'm doing this for both of us: you because your skin needs help and me because I don't want to have to look at your bad skin. Be there or be square!

#2- ADD TO YOUR CALENDAR: RSVP to Raquel by Monday, November 9th for The NYC Bloggers' Movie Date on Friday, November 13th. We'll be going to see, what else? 2012, starring JOHN CUSACK and a bunch of other people that nobody cares about. Maybe we can even grab a bite before or after. Either way, it's MOVIE TIME.

#3- Invite Raquel to join you for the Laura Izibor concert on November 3rd. Why? Because you love me and you love her and being with us in the same room is part one of your ménage à trois fantasy come true. Admit it.

#4- Meet up with me & other Halloween revelers at either one of the two parties where I plan to make an appearance. I may or may not vamp it up. I may or may not be drunk beyond repair. I may or may not need to crash on your couch...

#5- Chill with me in the West Village on Sunday for FOOTBALL, BEER and WINGGGSSSSS at a bar in front of HUMONGOUS TV screens. Jets AND Giants are playing at 1PM sharp so come on and lets cheer on our boys!

Now, get to responding to me at or our friendship will officially be on the rocks.

*smooches...checking to see who'll be added to the "naughty" list*
Don't make me have to call you out. Just DON'T. MAKE. ME.


Bangs and a Bun said...

*sobs* Wish I still lived in NY *sigh* *sniffle*

Anonymous said...

1 - No
2 - No
3 - No
4 - Sure
5 - Maybe

The F_Uitlist said...

I'm with Irene, minus the maybe on football.

Dave Van Buren said...

oh so if I don't live in NY we can't be friends???

Evy said...

I'm down for 1 girlie!

Nina said...

#2..I may make the ride to NY? What time?

#3..Why Monday??? Call Laura and have her change her concert date so I could be there. I'm free on Sunday Nov 1st.

#4&5.. Maybe

Don said...

Good day, Raquel.

How bout dem Saints. lol. They are fo' real, this year. I just know they are.

Too funny @ JOHN CUSACK and a bunch of other people that nobody cares about. Always enjoy and miss the humor.