Scrambling to find another main source of income seeing as I fucked up a project big time and it looks like the end of the line for me with my former-boss-turned-client.
And I've looked and looked and looked for lucrative freelance gigs but no one is looking to pay me what I need because, well honestly, besides this blog my writing clips are few and far between.
So just fuck it- I suppose it's time to swallow my pride and go back to answering phones and shit, huh? Those jobs pay handsomely and even have benefits. The freelance life was nice while it lasted, I guess. Got to hang out with friends, attend some nice shows and events, slept in late, spent time with the babies- it was almost like a mini vacation from life.
But now my cupboards are bare, my bank account has cobwebs and unless I turn tricks or rob a bank, my landlord might just be getting an IOU come December 1st.
Why am I telling you this? Because I don't want you to be surprised if the next time you're buying sweet tea at McDonald's you see me there asking you if you'd like fries with that.
*smooches...tired of selfishly chasing a pipe dream*
it's not fair to the babies; I need to get a real job already...
You and me both sista. But luckily I have a semi-sweet sugar daddy. LOL!
Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do and you should take pride in the fact that you did it. My dad considers one of his lowest points when he had to take a managerial position at a McDonald's. I think I was in fourth or fifth grade maybe. But you know what? He had mouths to feed and bills to pay so he manned up and found what he could.
A different perspective? To this day, the little kid that's still in me though it was the best job ever. Every time I opened the fridge, I found apple pies and burgers and McRibs. Remember those?
I know it sucks but just think of it as another form of temporary. And, again, be proud of yourself for taking care of you and yours.
I didn't know you had moles...
Hey you gotta feed and clothe the babies, don't feel bad about having your priorities in order.
You don't need to feel bad for being a grown up. And if you do end up taking a boring phone answering job you can still write... the beauty you described as freelancing doesn't have to fade because want to see real numbers in your acct and food for your family.
@irene- Ask Gary if he wants to be my semi-sugar daddy, too LOL
@kelly- I'm trying to stay positive; last thing I want is to upset my kids.
@dave- you're right- the babies come before pride
@the f$%k it list- thanks girl. It just feels like a step backwards is all.
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