Thursday, November 12, 2009

In Case You Thought I Was Exaggerating...

Here is a paper one of my grown-ass students handed in:

The “Black Sox Scandal” is about the 1919 World Series and the Chicago White Sox fixing the game.

In the 1919 World Series it was the Chicago White Sox against the Cincinnati Reds. Wight players on the Chicago White Sox were accused of Throwing the game. In 1919 the White Sox had played better than every other the team but they were still an unhappy team, because they were paid so poorly. Most people believe if it were not for Charles Comiskey being so stingy it probably would have never happened. Comiskey would constantly make promises he did not plan on keeping. He told the players that they would get bonuses if they won pennant. After they won they got cheap bottles of Champaign instead.

People familiar with the case agree Chicago’s first baseman Chick Gandil was the ringleader. He told Joseph Sullivan, a small time gambler, that for $100,000, Gandil and several of his teammates would make sure the White Sox would lose. Gandil then went to get cooperation of his teammates. He knew he would need 2 of his pitchers Ciccotte and Williams.

Ciccotte had his own grudge against Comiskey. Comiskey had promised him that if he won thirty games he would get a $10,000 bonus. Ciccotte won twenty-nine games then Comiskey benched him. Saying he needed to rest up for the pennant games and since he only twenty –nine games he never got a bonus. Williams was interested in the money along with the other teammates who went along with it.

The players were told they would get $20,000 for throwing the games. Chicago lost the first game 9-1. They did not receive the money they were promised. They agreed to lose the second game if the money came the next day. They lost 4-2. After the game, Gandil looked up Abe Attell ,another gambler involved, to collect the $40,000 owed him and his teammates for throwing two games. He received only $10,000. The players were upset and began to have second thoughts about continuing to lose.

Chicago won the third game and many of the gamblers betting on individual games lost a great deal of money. It was Attell's turn to feel betrayed and he refused to pay any more. Sullivan came up with $20,000 before the fourth game and at least some of the traitors were still willing to lose. Cicotte made several errors, and the Reds won 2-0. Chicago lost game five, as well, with a final score of 5-0.

By now the gamblers had missed another payment, and the players had decided there was no reason to lose. At least if they won the Series, they would collect $5,000 each. Chicago won the sixth game 5-4 and the seventh 4-1. The players all seemed to play to the best of their abilities, and the national championship was within their grasp. Unfortunately, any chance of winning was ruined by Arnold Rothstein. Instead of betting individual games, he had bet on Cincinnati to win the series. With his investment at risk, Rothstein sent one of his henchman to visit Williams, who was pitching in the eighth game. He explained to Williams that Rothstein wanted the Series to end the next day. He threatened Williams and his wife. Chicago lost 10-5.

Can you please understand my pain and suffering now? And buy me a big ass motherfucking drink???

*smooches...kicking myself daily for taking this job*
at least it will all be over in 5 weeks!


Anonymous said...

I fail to understand why you posted one of the better ones.

Dave Van Buren said...

That was a great book report. What the problem?

Anonymous said...

Oh My God!

*falls dead*

Tiffany S. Jones said...

*crosses self even though I'm not Catholic* Sweet Jesus, please go with Jaded and give her patience while she deals with these lazy, non-talented students who are trying to convince themselves that they are good writers.
Please reach down your mighty hand and slap the shit outta the student who turned in this garbage and remind them that they are in college and not this sixth grade.
These and all other blessings I ask in your name. Amen!

Miss P said...

I got to Wight players and decided to leave the rest of this post for a day when I need a good laugh, lol.

poor jaded, I'm sure the rest of the paper is horrible. I'll be back to post my reaction when I get a chance.

Tyrone said...

It looks like he copied it out of a draft version of wikipedia.

The Jaded NYer said...

I'm glad you all can feel my pain now...