Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Last Week's Assignment...Sigh

It breaks my heart to know that people in this country, land of opportunity and a trillion and one resources, there are grown ass people who can't put together a measly paragraph or two.

After reading some of these papers from the godforsaken English Composition class I teach online, I just want to curl up into the fetal position and cry myself to sleep.

Observe Exhibit A:

Sacrifices are greater for women then men when becoming a surgeon. Women elect to wait longer than men to start their personal lives started. Marriage and having children are among a few of the reasons why women wait to start their personal lives (Phend, 2009).

Data shows women make greater sacrifices on average than men. Women indicate a greater value for maternity leave than men, and would prefer a greater availability of part-time hours in order to spend more time with their families (Phend, 2009).

Females complete the same requirements as men to become surgeons but do not receive the same respect during or after the process. The challenges faced by women throughout the academic and training process can be more difficult and demanding than for men. For example, men are more likely to be accepted into some programs than women, and because of the poor judgment that some women, it has made it more difficult for the majority of female surgeons (Kowalczyk, 2007).

Somebody come get me...

*smooches...hoping I can get a good final paper out of these students*
I wonder if my stankness for their illiteracy is translating through my comments on their papers?


Bangs and a Bun said...

Oh God....I feel your pain. What....was that? *shakes head*

TheUncertainMan.com said...

This class ain't long enough for you to get a 5th Grade level paper out of these clowns.. I saw you fail them now and coast the rest of the semester.. They couldn't even be consistent with the "then/than" comparison.

TheUncertainMan.com said...

Wow.. I think I should be shot for using "ain't" in a post bashing someone's writing. Sorry..

Anonymous said...

Wow! That's beyond bad. Ugh!

Anonymous said...

"...and because of the poor judgment that some women, it has made it more difficult for the majority of female surgeons"

*weeps gently*


Dave Van Buren said...

lol.. and they cited their work!

JACK said...

Poor decisions are made starting to get started by writers block. In the response to that, Jaded through a chair at the student (Jerry Springer, 2001) and told him to dye.

The F_Uitlist said...

OMG I know I encouraged you to stay but Holy Mother of God that was just bad.

The Jaded NYer said...

@bangs- I don't know what the hell that was. How do you even BEGIN to grade that mess?? lol

@ricardo- if it's the last thing I do... I will get them to the finish line!

@irene- you should have seen the outlines! *shudder*

@Gem- I wept, too. Many, many times!

@dave- man, if the people he cited knew what he was up to... lol

@jack- LMAO!!! YES, that's exactly what happened!!!

@the f$%k it list- and it wasn't even the worst one...