Thursday, December 17, 2009

Reason #67,229 Why I'm Going To Hell...

SMARTY P. JONES: Did you really just ask for "Bejeweled Balls" for the Pope?

ME: I'm not sure what you mean... *puts on halo*

SPJ: Of course you're not. You'll be sure Hell is hot when you get there for making fun of the Holy One and stealing that halo!

ME: This halo was given to me by Lou(cifer)'s his old one. I dusted it off. You like?

SPJ: Oh. THAT'S why it blinks?! I thought it was holiday decor. *shrugs*

ME: It's not blinking. It's WINKING.

SPJ: *dead*

*smooches...strutting all over blogger w/my winking halo*
I know y'all are jealous because you want one, too. Oh well...too bad, so sad... it's allllllllllll mine!


Tiffany S. Jones said...

You're not dragging me to hell with you.
*falls to knees* Dear Lord, I don't know what (or who) possessed me to have that conversation. You know me, I was improperly influenced. I'm sorry. Bless Mama, Daddy and my nieces and nephews. A-men!

Anonymous said...

Dear Lord,

Please forgive me for even looking at this blog today.

Thank you and Amen.


The Jaded NYer said...

Ay, Lord, you know these two are lying, right? They're worse than me...

Thank you & Peace out!

Bangs and a Bun said...

Did you just say 'peace out' to Jesus?


I heart you more each day. said...

*Steps a couple steps further away from The Jaded NYer*

*looks at watch, clears throat, waits for smiting to begin*