Friday, December 11, 2009

Sibling Rivalry

Recently, during a conversation with K about N's clingy-ness to me, I had to remind this child that she, too, was once a momma's girl, always seeking my lap for comfort and what not and she didn't believe me.

ME: Do I need to call in witnesses? You were always all up and under my skirt, following me everywhere. In fact, while I had my fully pregnant belly you still insisted on sleeping ON TOP of me. That's why N is so crazy... you crushed the baby. YOU CRUSHED THE BABY!!

K: Well, she shouldn't have been trying to take over my territory!

old album cover from their music days...HA!

What can you even say to that? *sigh*

*smooches...rethinking this whole, "have 2 more babies" thing*
who knows what N will do to THOSE babies. y'all know she's thuggish...


Tiffany S. Jones said...

This would be so cute if I wasn't the tortured child. My sister put me in a dryer and turned it on.
If my mom hadn't gotten up from her nap, my brain would have been fried.

Rachel Caprice said...

I hated having a little sister for almost 20 years. They're the worst. said...

@Smarty - you mean it's not?

@Jaded.. reminds me of one of my clients. She has a 14 yo boy and an 8 yo boy. On the 8 year old's birthday, they have a party and celebrate. But every year, the 14 year old has a day of mourning - for the anniversary of the day his little brother ruined his life by coming into it.

I dread thinking what my evil, psycho, and all too smart-for-her-own-good 3.5 yr old daughter will do to her 5 month old baby brother as the years go by.

Ahhh kids.. can't live with them, can't sell them.

JACK said...

Actually, Ricardo ... you CAN sell kids ... I mean, oh. Wait. DAMN!

gotta go.

Don said...

K is gangster. ha.

The Jaded NYer said...

@smarty- ummmmm, your sister needs therapy.

@rachel- aww, mine wasn't too bad...I got to torture her a lot LOL

@ricardo- it's an older sibling's job to make the younger one pay for all sorts of things that lead back to: "You stole my mommy & daddy!!"

@jack- how's that ebay going, by the way?

@don- yes, she can be at times!

Don said... can her mom. *ducks*