Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Bitch Slapped By The Universe. Again.

I had a different post in mind for today, even started to write it earlier this afternoon, but then I got a bit of news that kind of slapped me in the face. Hard.

Without going into too much detail, lets just say I thought I had a certain situation under control, that I knew what I was doing, what I was getting into and where I stood. I was wrong. And now with this rug pulled out from under me and thrown in my face, I have to figure out where to go from here- which path I should choose. Wondering if I can live with the choice I make.

I mean, can I deal with a slice of happiness or do I order the whole pie? A la mode?

Yeah, I'm dealing with some shit right now; The Voices are in OVERDRIVE.

So I'm going to need a minute to ice my cheek and get a few teeth replaced and think about what I'm doing with my life right now. But you know I love you to bits n pieces with a cherry on top, so I'm going to gift you this musical interlude, featuring songs that stay on repeat while I try to make sense of my life:

Any minute now I'm expecting my neighbors to bang on my door and either dance with me or beg for me to play something else...but whatever. I got shit on my mind. Only music helps me think straight.

*smooches...wondering where these curve balls keep coming from*
seriously, it's like 2009 ain't trying to be done with me EVER!

and sorry some of the videos are so huge but these really are the songs I have on repeat and I tried my best to find smaller ones but they didn't exist.

WTF, why am I apologizing? Just freakin' DEAL, OK?!?!


Anonymous said...

Man oh man,

Even though I was able to do some amazing things this year, 2009 is ending really crappy for me too. It's got me second guessing some major decisions I've made, wondering if I have to live with them or not. Ugh!

It's also got me eating the entire chocolate frosted cake. EEK!

I guess it's deal with it time for everyone. I am so done with 2009. I am going to bow down to 2010 and beg for his mercy.

Here's to a better year next year.

Don said...


I hate to hear that you are dealing wish some ish right now. But I do know that you can handle pretty much everything once you step back, take a good look at the situation and proceed accordingly.

Wow. You really do listen to J. Cole (bad attempt at trying to make you smile). Just know that I am rooting for you...always.

oh, the width and length of the videos can be changed by simply lowering the numbers on the embed.

Here's a video to remind you of who you truly are - a fighter.


JACK said...

and THIS is how I find out about stuff? We're NOT going into 2010 like this, carajo! Llamame or else.

The Jaded NYer said...

@irene- I wish I could be more optimistic... I hate when negativity takes over me!

@don- did you really just link Eye of the Tiger? I can't w/you right now...

@jack- pues carajo if it's the same bs that's BEEN bothering me there's nothing new pa' decirte, OK? So calmate!!

Tyrone said...

I keep telling myself that nothing good or bad lasts forever. I just had some shit come up, but I must persevere.


The Jaded NYer said...

@tyrone- DANG HOMIE! You broke out the OLDIES?? Thanks! lol

The F_Uitlist said...

I don't have a song to dedicate or a story to tell so I'll just let you know that the F$%K it list Family will be there if you need us. ALL OF US!

That will be all.